Irresponsible brother.

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Part 1

You are Kim YN. Sweet, caring, sensitive. You are a 14 year old teenager who wants love , care and affection. But your family seems to ignore your feelings. Your mom and dad are always busy with their work. When you want to spend some time with them they always say "not now we are busy. We will spend time with you later" And guess what the "later" never came. You always wanted to spend some time with your brother but he is always cold and rude with you. You didn't know why. You felt like they hate you especially your brother. He is always soft to his friends and his parents but when it comes to you he is cold as ice. You didn't went to travel anywhere since your birth because of your family. Your mom and dad are always busy. And when your mom, dad finally had time to take for traveling your oppa either is busy or don't want to go. And your parents say "If he will not go we we will also don't go. They only cared about him but didn't about you. When your summer and winter vacation occurs you are always at home, seeing your friends' pictures with their family on their vacation, you were not jealous of your friends but sad that you didn't felt family time. You are good in studies, almost every teacher is impressed by you but when it comes to your family they didn't appreciated you neither for your grades nor for your efforts in studies. But when it comes to your bad grades they always scolded you saying you to do better especially your oppa. You get bad grades only in maths, and when your result comes out your mom will always go to your brother and tell him about your bad grades. She was only focused on your bad grades. Your bro was also like your mom he didn't cared about your good grades and only focused on your bad grades. He never helped you with your studies nor your assignments. Your tution teacher was very friendly with you. The things that you didn't shared with your family you could tell her. On every Sunday she took you with her for hang out and when your hang out finished she would drop you at your house. You told her your feelings and your problems. And when she came home to discuss your feelings and problems with your family so that your family can understand they always say that "see is only a child don't care about her that much when she will grow up she will understand" and your teacher have to give up but still she comes to discuss. The times when your family rejected you would cry harder silently at night without anyone knowing. You cried while thinking about your childhood when your brother used to annoy you. But when you became 8 years old from 7 years old he suddenly became cold and rude. Your every friend was pretty close with you but not that much close that you can share your problems with them. Once you shared  with your one friend but she told you that you are overreacting.
One day when you were coming back from school while walking something happened that is.........

Guys this part is completely based on a true story but part 2 is fictional.

Part 2 is published.

Irresponsible brotherWhere stories live. Discover now