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Cause of death: protecting her kit ,lotus'kit, from a rouge in a raid

Point of view told in?: lotus'kit/lotus'fur(warrior name)



"i miss you mom" were the last things i said to my mom before i woke up.

it's been 13 moons since she died, i remember it as if it were yesterday, no matter how much i didn't want to.

I was a happy kit, 2 moons old, it was a sunny,happy day in foral'clan until the rouges came.

they snuck up behind us it was all a blur for me, i was in the nursery with other kits, there was a warrior that had to attack a rouge that almost got dandle'kit, the sight could make a cat stand stiff in the middle of a thunderpath(thunder road?)blood,screams,tears,it wasn't long before a rouge took advantage of us being vulnerable. My mom being a hero that lost 8 of her lives saving and helping other cats saw the rouge.

she lunged at it ,knocking the rouge to the ground and attacking her, the rouge however was stronger than her and smacked her off ,the rouge bit her in my moms neck and it started bleeding since she had been attacked in her neck a lot of times,the rouge preformed more attacks before my mom succumbed to a deadly attack by the rouge,the deputy daisy'tail saw my mom being attacked and attacked the rouge also preforming the attacks the rouge did but less fatal.the rouge ran away and so did the others.the medicine cat immediately ran to get stuff to help my mom's wounds.but she was far more than dead already so it was no help,all the cats sat around my mom's body.they were all sad but i was the most saddest out of all of them.I wouldn't have anyone to help me since my father also had died a moon before i was born. 


haha fatherless lotus'fur go brrrr

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