Osamu Dazai

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Chuuya shot up from his chair. There was no way in HELL he was gonna work with Dazai. Chuuya hadn't even seen Dazai since they were both 18. It was a fallout Chuuya had never expected and as much as he might've missed the memories they had all Dazai was to him was a lying, manipulative piece of shit.

Chuuya clears his throat and tightens his fist together, preventing himself from causing another unneeded outburst. “With all due respect boss, I haven't worked alongside Dazai in years, No. I Haven't even seen Dazai in years! How do you expect me to work with that asshole after what happened?” Mori lowered his eyebrows and his smile returned to normal. “I’m assuming that you’ve matured Chuuya Nakahara, it has been five years after all.” Mori sat up from the couch and started walking towards his large office desk.

Chuuya hated when Mori used his full name, he hated it more than anything. If it wasn't the fact Mori had put him in charge of an impossible mission but now he has to work with Dazai? He might as well opt out while he could.

“Chuuya.” Mori said with a manipulative tone that Chuuya has heard far too many times before. “As an executive to the Port Mafia it is required that you have the ability to work with anyone without any unneeded issues, think of this as a little test.” Chuuyas eyes widened, he could feel the pure anger coursing through his body, was Mori enjoying this?

Was he really threatening him with his own position? Chuuya grunted, he grabbed his wool coat from the arm of the sofa and started walking to the door.

"As much as you want to deny it Chuuya, Dazai has missed you." Mori said in a genuine tone. It wasn't pity and it wasn't manipulation, Mori sounded like he genuinely meant it. Chuuya wanted to believe it, in all honesty he wanted to miss Dazai too but it felt like an unhealed wound. He couldn't just forgive and forget because he knew Dazai didn't feel bad for what he had done. He meant every word he said.

Chuuya opened the double doors to the office when Mori called out his name one last time. "He'll start tomorrow," Mori said as he waved goodbye to Chuuya. "Have a good evening," Chuuya replied, completely dismissing Mori's comment.

Chuuya walked towards the elevator practically punching the down button as he impatiently waited for the elevator to arrive. "Good afternoon sir!" Smiled a young man who was waiting beside him. Chuuya gave him one glare and he immediately shut up.

Chuuya wanted to slap that pathetic smile off of Mori's stupid face. Actually, he wanted to slap any person in the building he could at the moment. Maybe it would help release some of the anger he had.

Dazai. He was the very reason Chuuya was stuck with the Port Mafia, he resented him for that. He was a stuck up pile of bandages that could never shut his fucking mouth. All Dazai had done was make his life a living hell. Sure, there might have been those few times where he impacted Chuuyas life for the better but those moments were rare and short lasting.

Regardless, Chuuya did always regret how everything had ended. He wished he would have allowed Dazai time to explain, but how could someone explain something filled with so much hatred?

Chuuya had never been the same after that event. He finally opened up to someone and then they abolished his trust. Chuuya had no choice but to completely close up his vulnerability to the world. He finally met a person who allowed him to feel as close to human as he would ever be able to feel but those times have changed. Chuuyas learned. He's learned he'll never be human, his thoughts aren't normal, HE was never normal, and nobody could fix that. Not even Dazai.

The elevator came to halt as the doors started to open, Chuuya stepping inside. All the anger he had built up was slowly shifting to sadness. He didn't like drowning in his pain but if you let things build up and simmer for long enough it's bound to catch up to you eventually.

He clicked the base floor on the elevator controls and zoned out as the doors started to close. Dazai and him used to try to break the elevator by jumping whenever they found themselves in it together. Maintenance probably had to replace it 100 times before him and Dazai were prohibited from riding it together. They still did it anyway.

The numbers on the elevator slowly counted down, but Chuuya was more focused on what was gonna happen tomorrow than his surroundings. He was going to have to meet face to face with Dazai whether he liked it or not. His job was at steak and having to spend a few days with some jackass wasn't going to be the reason for his downfall.

Stuck In An Elevator || Soukoku || <Incomplete>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora