Alden and Della:

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Alden was comforting Della as she was crying when Fitz and Biana came down.

"What's wrong? What happened? Is everyone okay?" Biana questioned as she rushed to her mom's side.

Slowly Alden told them what happened. How he had hailed Grady to ask how Sophie was, how he found that Sophie had run in a cave and Dex went after her, and how the cave was filled with water. By the end of that Fitz was holding his sister as she started to sob.

"She's out there, right? Will you find her?" Biana asked in between sobs.

"Of course I will." Alden assured her.

Alden and Fitz helped Della and Biana upstairs and into their bedrooms.

"I'm going to my room...should we tell anyone else?" Fitz asks as Biana starts crying in her room.

"I'm leaping over to Havenfield to help Grady and Edaline and they're probably going to tell Dex's parents so... you might only want to tell Sophie and Dex's friends...but other than that don't tell anyone till their parents are ready." Alden says as his voice starts to crack.

"Do you...want me to come with you?" Fitz whispers looking at the floor.

Just then Della came out of her room and said, "I'm coming with you...I will be with Edaline..."

Tears start spilling from her eyes, but she wipes them away and looks up with determination.

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