Mr. and Mrs. Potter

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Year and 2 months later

So, Harry what did you get me for my birthday Rose ask.

A whole lot of this he kissed her and thing he pulled the ring out of his pocket and put it on her finger.

You are the best I love you so much this is amazing, but it is way to much really look all the diamonds but you over did with red diamond Rose said so shocked she couldn't speak right

Anything for my girl Harry said.

Damn you and your charm and she kissed him.

So, what do we have planned next week Harry ask?

Well, we are getting married and going to Hogwarts this year we got are thing we leave the 19thand got married the 10th.

So, 6 days getting married wow I can wait I love you so much Rose.

You're cute when you realize something Rose said.

Stop Rose please Harry begged.

What I not doing anything

Excuse me I think you should stop this before your father sees.

MOM don't scare us like that.

Sorry Rose but I think you should get off Harry's lap.

But we are getting married in 6 days.

Ok well until the 10th you are still a kid.

Harry I'm am sorry about your parents you can stay here as long as you what.

I already ask him to move in, but he is stubborn to say yes.

Without me and your dad permission Ruka said

Oh, come on mom I know you would take Harry in any day of the week.

I would but still ask Rose Ruka said.

So, he can

Yes, he can a voice from beside Ruka said.

Thank you Shinjurō.

No problem, Harry I'm going to miss your mom and dad James was a brother to me it was always me James Remus and Sirius

Yes, after Remus went mad from all those transformations.

Yeah, I miss them Harry said on the erg of crying.

Oh, baby Rose said hugging Harry.

I'm ok love Harry said.

I don't care about to cry I'm sitting here until you do Rose said sitting on his lap.

You're a Slytherin by sure.

Thank love you know I will be the queen of my house.

No matter what you will always be my fire queen.

I love fire king.

I love fire queen.

Forever Rose said.

And Harry said ever they both said putting there foreheads together.

You two make me cry Ruka said crying.

Oh, Senjuro come on let's give these two some privacy.

Ok love birds see you later.

Mmm Harry

Ruka turned around and saw Harry and Rose making out we should go Shinjurō.


Scene break

Are you ok Rose Ruka said.

Yeah, for getting married becoming Mrs. Gryffindor Slytherin Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Potter Percival Rengoku no mom I'm not ok.

Ok calm down baby your alright

Ok let me breath.


Harry are you ok.

I don't know padfoot.

I think it's time for two things.

And what are those?

Here this give it to your wife its Lily's ring and the second thing is the talk.

No not on my wedding day

Yes, so here it is

The wedding

A black wolf with a suit on came down the aisle with a collier around his neck.

Who's the wolf owner Rose's Aunt said.

I think that's Rose wolf.

Then the wolf sat down

Then the walk music started

Then a beautiful girl with a emerald, green dress started walking down the aisle

Where's Harry Rose asks then she look down and saw the wolf.

Oh, hello handsome come on now we have a wedding to continue.

Then the wolf transformed into a raven-haired emerald eyes boy with a collier and a emerald, green suit

Everyone was shocked at these whispers broke out

After the wedding

I love you fire queen.

I love you fire king.

I can't believe we are only 11 and I'm married to my best friend.

I know beautiful and we one Hogwarts and we are the richest couple in the world in and out of the wizarding world.

I don't care about is you queen 

Engaged since birth a Harry and RoseWhere stories live. Discover now