episode nine

346 13 6

Billie's POV:

I don't wake Sadie as I slip out of the daybed and layer an extra blanket over her body. I saunter over to the kitchen with a smile as I see Davide is the first one outside, making a coffee. He rolls his eyes but smiles when he sees me.

"Try not to get any eggs in it this time, bro," I take off my sunglasses as I open the fridge and turn to see his reaction. I look him up and down and smile at his silence.

"Billie, you didn't win, I could've had her." He doesn't look at me as he looks for the sugar.

I pick up the salt container but turn the label to face me as I hand it to him. He takes a spoonful and slips it into the coffee before searching for the ice. I turn my face so he doesn't see my expression.

"Whatever, man. Whatever makes you feel better!" I say in a chirpy voice and reach for the milk, looking out at Sadie slowly waking up on the bed.

"Well you didn't even recouple with her. So I guess we're both losers?"

I glare at him, leaning against the counter.

"We're basically together, though. She's not even into Amber, like that."

"Whatever makes you feel better," he retaliates.

"But for real, what do you think about the two of us?" I find myself turning for outside perspectives.

"I think there's a 25% chance you will be together by the end," he admits seriously and I frown. He looks over at me and adds: "But it's still early days."

Is he serious or getting in my head?

"What makes you say that?" I try to act chill, looking out at the ocean instead of at him.

"Well, the reason I walked away from her was that she wasn't all about me. The chase was only fun for so long. Why would you wanna be with someone that's not all about you?"

His question initially cuts into me before I brush it off.

"It's okay for people to be confused. Honestly, I'd think it's suspicious if she came in here only wanting me or putting me on a pedestal, you know?"

He shakes his head and starts to walk away.

"You sound like a loser."

My jaw drops but he's already exited the kitchen. I glare at the space he made empty, but am quickly distracted as Sadie enters the kitchen, stretching her arms out wide wearing my sweater. She leans back to look down the walkway, and then runs over to me, wrapping her arms around me. I tap the counter with the palms of my hands and she smiles, jumping on top of it. I stand in between her legs and her hands cup my face as she kisses me, our sunglasses bumping against each other.

"You look like you're in a good mood," I observe, her warmth and happiness distorts my bitter mood from only seconds before I saw her.

"I was remembering our conversation from last night in bed as soon as I woke up and the feeling hasn't faded yet," she starts then looks to the walkway. "But I'm sure it will get ruined soon enough."

I clap my hands together and hand her the iced coffee to distract her from going down that path.

"Well it meant a lot to me too," I blush and hide my face on my shoulder. She pulls me back in and meets my eyes.

"I don't know, I just feel so close to you, it feels crazy–"

She takes a sip of coffee mid-talking and chokes, spitting it out on my face. I step back and wipe my eyes.

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