☆Chapter 5☆

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|Rose slams the bathroom door behind her|
Y/N: "Ow! What the hell was that for?!"
Rose: "Oh shut the fuck up Y/N. We all knew you were blushing."
Y/N: "And we all know that you like henry!"
Rose: "That's not even funny."
Y/N: "Your right. I'm sorry..."
Rose: "Whatever."
Y/N: "I really thought he liked me" |Starts tearing up again|
Rose: |Rose hugs Y/N|"Oh honey... I'm so sorry. There's someone better out there for you"
Y/N: "But I liked him so much"
Rose: |Holds your hand| "Listen he wasnt the one for you. But we will find the one for you!"
Y/N: "Yea..."
|someone knocks on door|
Y/N: |Freezes| *Whispers very fast* "Whatwasthat"
Rose: "Weretheylistening?"
Y/N: "Idontknow."
Josh: "Rose? Y/N? Are you in there?"
Rose: |Sighs| "It's just josh." Yea we are in here! Hold on..."
Y/N: "Of course it's him. I bet he's coming to check on you."
Rose: "Oh shut up Y/N."
Y/N: |Laughs| "Yea yea whatever. Let's go answer the door"
Rose: "Ok,"

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