Wally Darling x ! Artist Reader !

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You had moved to this quiet neighborhood about a month ago and you had loved it so much you decided to stay! Everyone was so sweet and nice to you..it was a bit odd.  You didnt pay much attention to it though, you were just glad everyone liked your company.

You woke up, brushed your teeth, picked out an outfit ( optional: did your makeup, ) and put on your favorite shoes! You grabbed your sketchbook, pencils, sharpener and eraser and walked out the door.

You walked a few blocks to the pond and sat down on the bench furthest from him. The day was nice, like any other day! You made sure not to make much noise, other than the birds chirping, days like this would be so silent. Sometimes he'd go a while before he'd notice you, and when you did you'd just flip to a different page.

!time skip!

You about wrapped up your drawings and you were about to go. You turned and bumped right into him! Your book had fallen right onto the page where you had sketched him! ( What a coincidence! ) You felt your face flush bright pink! You went to pick it up but he bent down and picked it up himself.

You clenched you fists. So many thoughts swarmed your mind. Good, but mostly bad! He'd never forgive you for this. You should be ashamed of yourself! He's definitely kicking you out of the neighborhood now!

"Is this me?" He questioned as he waited patiently for a response. You slowly nodded. He smiled wide and held the notebook out in front of him, "It is like looking in a mirror."

You were a bit confused but he didn't seem to be weirded out. "You're..not upset with me?" He looked at you with those eyes that had always scared you so.

"Why would I? You didn't do anything to upset me." He beamed as he continued to look at your sketches. He pointed at one that you had drawn before, "Wow! Look at me." He cupped his cheek. His smile then faded a bit.

"Oh..my.." He started, "I deeply apologize y/n." He handed back your sketchbook. You took it but  became more confused. "Why are you apologizing, Wally?"

"I completely ignored your boundaries and touched something personal of yours. I am so sorry. I'm no good at this sort of stuff. "He said as he kept eye contact with you. 

You smiled and your face felt hot, "It's alright! Really..I'm sorry for drawing you, I guess. You're just very draw-able!" You giggled.

He laughed, "Why, That's no problem at all..and thank you! You know, I noticed a while ago..but I finally worked up the courage to be able to look at them up close."

You felt even more embarrassed that you weren't as secretive as you thought you had been.

"Well, This is even more embarrassing for me."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed. You draw very well. I love each and every painting I create but today's had the perfect amount of beauty, not like any other I've created before. Every piece of artwork is different and yours is truly a gift y/n."

You were taken aback by his words, "Thank you, Wally."

The sun started to set over the horizon of the pond. You both stared at it for a moment. It felt peaceful and you were glad you didn't have to leave the neighborhood!

Wally walked you home and once you both had said your goodbyes and he began to walk away,  you got curious and glanced a bit at his canvas.

It was a painting, of you.

Wally Darling x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now