Wally Darling x ! Shy Reader !

72 2 1

t/c = tea/coffee

As you were walking back home from a quick run to Howdy's Place, you noticed the clouds above you had started to get darker. You didn't think anything of it until you felt a drop of water fall onto your face. 

It began to rain cats and dogs! You had forgotten your umbrella and raincoat so you tried to hurry home, groceries in hand. 

"Psst!" You stopped running and paused to see Wally, peeking his head through the door of home. 

He waved for you to come in. You ran towards Wally, he opened the door wide. You'd never actually been inside of Home before so you were a bit curious. "You can take your shoes off here." He said walking towards the couch. 

You wiped your shoes on the mat and put them to the side, then followed him. It was very eerily quiet inside of his home, and it was kind of dark. Except for the slow thumping of a muffled heartbeat.  

"Forgot your raincoat , neighbor?" 

You snapped back and felt comfort in his voice. "Oh..yeah. It was just warm and sunny about 3 minutes ago.." 

"Ha Ha..Why don't we sit down and chat for a bit? It doesn't look like the rain will be going anytime soon.." He looked at you and patted the cushion next to him. 

You obliged and sat down. You could feel him staring you down but you didn't dare look at him. You began to sweat and you stared down at the table in front of you. 

It was awkwardly quiet and you didn't know what to say. You could still feel his eyes on you so you glanced quickly. 

He continued to smile and stare at you.  "Um.." You spoke up.

He let out a small gasp. "Goodness me! Where are my manners!" He got up and rushed to the kitchen. "Would you like a cup of tea? coffee?" He asked wearily. 

You sighed and eased up a little as you didn't feel two heavy eyes on you. "Uh..t/c is fine, thank you, Wally."

You got up and looked around. It was kind of dark and gloomy so you turned on the light. In the corner of room you saw a record player. You beamed and looked at the records he had.

"Hey Wally, Can I --auh!" You covered your mouth. What were you thinking! You can't just barge into someones home and ask to play their records! 

He peeked his head around the corner, "What was that, y/n?"


"Oh! You've discovered my records. Did you want to play something?" 

You hesitated, "Can I?"

"Of course you can!"

He walked back into the kitchen and finished brewing up your drink. You found a record that you loved and recognized so you put it in. 

The music made the house feel less lonely and uncomfortable. You let out a long sigh and you went to sit down. Wally came back shortly after with the beverages. 

You thanked him and took a sip. It was much easier to talk to him so you brought up different things about his friends, what he liked to paint and his favorite food, apples!

You had lost track of time laughing and joking around with him, you both quickly became real close friends. 

You also realized you both had a lot in common. "Ah..I'm so sorry for taking up your afternoon, Wally! I should really get going.." You said as you got up to go.

"Oh you didn't y/n! Don't worry about it. I am just overjoyed you spoke to me tonight. I hope we can speak like this another day, Don't you?"

You smiled at him and made eye contact, those eyes that had scared you just today felt nice and kind now. 

He was sweet, gentle and quite handsome!

"Definitely! Next time we should go to the park! or see sally's play! Oh, I can't wait!!!"

"I love the energy y/n!"

You face turned red and you closed the door behind you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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Wally Darling x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now