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I woke up with a quiet, calm mind, even with everything that had happened yesterday( it wasn't pretty) today morning was actually peaceful, beautiful even.

I'm sitting by the window of my parent's room and I feel completely at peace.

It's funny. There are days when I hate myself, my body, my life, and the people in it. But there are also days when the complete opposite happens. I look forward to those days.

I am having sprouts, mixed with some walnuts in a bowl and I have squeezed some lemon juice into it. It's amazing.

I learned something really important, some of my friends really are just a call away.

The sky is blue, and the tennis court just below my apartment looks vibrant with its blue and green color. The trees and the plants feel just so alive today, they are so green.

I am looking forward to meeting some of my classmates today.

I feel deeply in love with myself right now, and I don't feel guilty about it The connection feels so strong that I believe that nothing will break it. Unfortunately, I've had many such days that didn't last for long. I'm praying to god that this peace lasts.

I feel new, probably just because of my period, and the mood swings that my cycle brings are just something else. But I'm glad that it got me this, today.




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