Chapter 6: Step Up

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, or the color green, but they all seem like good things to have possession of to me.

It had been a little over seven weeks since Team 10 had been formed and they had started finding their rhythm as a group. They had all been working hard… even Shikamaru, and had been getting accustomed to one another and how they all operated, especially after all of Asuma's training exercises, including the one he had them do today.

Asuma looked at his team of genin as they were all sprawled out on the grass, scuffed up and exhausted, "Well that was good work you guys. I thought you had me for a second there. Nice try with the decoys Naruto, but you pulled the trigger on the trap too quickly. Ino, you let loose the Shintenshin no Jutsu (Mind Body Switch Jutsu) too soon, I wasn't caught yet. Shikamaru, you need better communication with your teammates. A good plan won't work if you can't readily adjust if there are hiccups."

Naruto was the first to pick himself up off of the ground, "What are we getting out of you kicking our asses twice every week Asuma-sensei?"

Asuma grinned at the disheveled genin, "Well first of all, it's fun." He felt three glares of death on him, "Second of all, you need the battle experience and hopefully I'll end up beating you guys up worse than any opponent you'll actually wind up facing. And third, this was a test."

Ino sat up, still somewhat disoriented, even after recovering from her missed jutsu, "What test? We're supposed to be done with all of the tests aren't we?"

Asuma stroked his beard, "It was to see if you were ready for the next level of missions."

Shikamaru stayed on his back looking up at the sky, "And what would that be? Walking dogs, finding cats, and picking up dog crap at the same time? Or how about we mix the babysitting missions and the gardening missions? That would make a real high-profile one." He said sarcastically.

Asuma turned away from them all and began to walk away, "Fine. And here I was about to give you all a C-ranked mission for all of your trouble. I guess we can keep doing D-ranks then. Or maybe I can pitch Shikamaru's idea of combining them, that would probably be a boon for the village economy." He stopped talking when he found himself unable to move, "What, does that not sound good to you all either?" He said jokingly.

Naruto spoke in a low voice, "C-rank mission or the same threat from the day we met stands." Naruto's head gestured towards Ino who had her hands ready to use her mind-switching jutsu. As a passing thought from before ran through his head he sent out a pulse to see if they had the real one. They did, "I can probably find Kurenai-sensei right now if I had to. It wouldn't be that hard I'm sure. I have Kage Bunshin."

Asuma sweatdropped nervously. With his back turned he couldn't even see the looks on their faces to tell if they were serious or not, and this time they really did have him caught. Damn teamwork. Why'd they catch on to it so fast? Oh, because two of their fathers are on a squad famous for teamwork, "Now don't be so hasty you guys. I was just messing with you. You're getting the mission so just let me go."

He couldn't see anything but silence went throughout the field until Ino spoke, "I say we should still do it, he beat the crap out of us all month long. And look at my clothes, I'll have to get a new set!" She pouted.

"You look fine Ino, it's alright." Naruto said absently, "And if we do it won't he get us back for it? He is a jounin. I don't think I could duck him forever if I really had to."

Asuma let himself smirk when he heard Naruto's first comment. He knew what was coming next and wasn't let down when Ino spoke again, "I really look fine Naruto? You're so sweet! I think you've earned something special from your Ino-chan!" He could just feel Ino batting her eyes at Naruto as well as Naruto's gaping fish expression without ever turning to see and had to keep from laughing, lest Naruto retaliate, he was still at their mercy.

Better Left Unsaid | By Kenchi618Where stories live. Discover now