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WPC Button {Peggy} POV

DI Gillespie has been acting strange for the last 2 weeks and no-one can get through to him, so we tried to find Miss Penny who might be able to calm him down so we went to the Albion Bugle But we couldn't instead we went to her house "Ruth?" called DS Livingston, Sister Boniface knocked on the door "Ruth if you do not answer Felix will..." Sister Boniface fell into Miss Penny's house because the door fell over "oh goodness sister are you ok?" I asked as DS Livingston helped her up "Interesting this place looks as though it has been empty for three months oh and yes Peggy perfectly fine" she said I nodded and noticed a foot print in the dust "Sister" I called, she came over as DS Livingston walked around "Sister, Peggy come here" he said, we both walked over and saw a note

 Sam, Help......

"how interesting" said Sister. We went back to the station to find DI Gillespie but he wasn't there "how strange, come on we might as well go for lunch and back to Ruth's for another look" Sister said as DS Livingston and I nodded in agreement

DI Sam Gillespie POV

Ruth, Ruth, Ruth all I could think was Ruth, she has been missing for the past 2 weeks, I have been trying to find her without drawing the attention of people well that obviously hasn't worked in my favour, the phone on my desk rang and I answered it "hello Ruth?" I asked "Not quite but close" said the voice on the other side "who is this?" "you may call me Vlad" he said "what do you want?" I asked coldly "come to the warehouse on the outskirts of Cotswold's'" he said "why?" I asked, "to see Ruth of course" I opened my mouth to answer when I heard Ruth "Sam don't" the rest of what she was saying was muffled "Shut her up" said Vlad, I hung up the phone and grabbed my coat and left without leaving a note

Ruth Penny POV

I have been in captivity for 2 weeks it isn't all bad it is not like I'm tied to a chair 24/7 the only reason I'm in captivity is because of an article I wrote three years ago, the only other reason is because Sam was involved in the case, the family member thinks his brother was innocent he wasn't, my captor Vlad called Sam I could kind of hear him on the other end but barely "not quite but close" no it wasn't "you may call me Vlad" Sam obviously asked who it was "Come to a warehouse on the outskirts of Cotswold's" my eyes widened when I saw a gun "To see Ruth of course" said Vlad "Sam don't" I called I was going to say more but Vlad's henchmen covered my mouth "Shut her up" said Vlad his henchmen grabbed a cloth as I  glared at him "oh don't worry his death will be painless and quick" "Unlike yours where you will be living everyday upon knowing you could have done something" taunted Vlad.

Sister Boniface POV

Sam has been acting strange for the last 2 weeks and no-one can get through to him, so we tried to find Ruth who might be able to calm him down so we went to the Albion Bugle But we couldn't instead we went to her house "Ruth?" called Felix, I knocked on the door "Ruth if you do not answer Felix will..." I fell into Ruth's house because the door fell over "oh goodness sister are you ok?" Peggy asked as Felix helped me up "Interesting this place looks as though it has been empty for three months oh and yes Peggy perfectly fine" I said Peggy nodded and noticed a foot print in the dust "Sister" she called, I went over at Felix walked around "Sister, Peggy come here" he said, we both walked over and saw a note

Sam, Help......

"how interesting" I said. We went back to the station to find Sam but he wasn't there "how strange, come on we might as well go for lunch and back to Ruth's for another look" I said as Felix and Peggy nodded in agreement

Narrator POV

Sam went to the warehouse and walked in Vlad had a gun pointed to Ruth's temple "Hey Sam" she said slightly nervous "hey" Sam replied "Vlad let her go" he said "You had my brother killed" "I know but if I could change it I would, I know he was innocent and I could've stopped his execution and I stood there and watched but Ruth should not have to pay" Sam said, Vlad removed the gun from Ruth's head and broke down sobbing as Ruth practically ran to Sam and stopped short of running into him she placed her forehead on his shoulder, Sam went over and arrested Vlad and his henchmen and took them to the police station, Ruth went home and cleaned herself up and met Sam at the pub "god" she sighed as she sipped her gin and whiskey "I am not writing about this just in case" she slightly laughed he smiled slightly, the two stayed till closing time, Sam walked her home "good to have you back Ruth" she smiled and kissed his cheek "thank you" she said she turned to go inside "off the record what did you mean when you said 'I know but if I could change it I would, I know he was innocent and I could've stopped his execution and I stood there and watched'?" asked Ruth Sam sighed "Vlad's brother was charged with the murder of Alexa Grant, remember her?" he asked, Ruth nodded "and I found out he was innocent but it was too late and I just stood and watched and do you know what he said? 'I forgive you' and I just stood there and watched it was so hard keeping it to myself for all these years" he finished almost crying, Ruth hugged him and took his hand "well now you've told someone now let's get you tea" Sam ended up sleeping on her couch he woke up confused as to whose house he was in when he saw Ruth dressed in Woolworths pyjamas she seemed to forget he was there, she noticed him out the corner of her eye "not going to lie I kind of forgot you were here" she said "It's alright" said Sam and Ruth went to get dressed "Right, well I best get to Mrs. Clam's before she has me tied to a stake and burned alive" Sam reached the door knob and began to open it when a hand stopped him "Please don't" she breathed quietly "someone's in the house honestly I thought his family was leaving me alone finally" when Felix, sister Boniface and Peggy walked in through the back door both Sam and Ruth looked annoyed "I thought you were an intruder" Ruth said "oh hello Ruth, I may or may not have broken you're door a couple of nights back" said Sister Boniface, Ruth huffed and walked out the room "hold on Sam what are you doing here?" asked the Sister, Sam opened his mouth to answer when Ruth walked in with a case "I am not staying here with a broken door either I go with Peggy or Mrs. Clam no offence sister but I am not going to the convent" the Sister nodded in understanding "Sorry Miss Penny but my house only has two rooms" said Peggy, Ruth nodded "right well Mrs. Clam's house it is" said Ruth as Sam and Felix share a look knowing this is going to be hard to explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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