A Job Found

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I was walking down the sideways of the road when someone speak to me
"Yes and how can i help you?" I asked the person
"Are you looking for a job?" She asked
I nodded, she smiled
"Well i am Linda" she said taking her hand out for me to shake and i gladly shook it
"Hello Linda...I am Elsa, can you help me find a job?" She giggled
"I am offering you a job" my face brightened
"Well can i get that job? I asked
She giggled "Yes, yes you can but..."
She trailed off, i look at her waiting
"But you have to talk to Mr.Frost our boss" she gave in
I nodded "And which company are you Linda?" I asked delightfully
"Frost Company" she said... i nodded
"Thx for the job Linda" i bid when she was walking away
"Your Welcome.. Farewell Elsa!" She waved
I waved back and nodded
I went to a taxi and told him to drive to 'Frost Company'
At the Frost Company
I gulped as i look at the building
It was pretty large
I sighed
This is for the best Elsa... You have to do this
I nodded and went in
I went to the first counter
"Yes Ma'am how can i help you?" The girl asked
"Uhh.. where is Mr.Frost's office located?" I asked my hands shaking from nervousness
She look at in the computer which was beside her "15th floor ma'am"
I nodded "Thank you"
She smiled"Your welcome"
I went to the elevator and pressed number 15
This goes nothing
I had a deep long sigh and look for his office when i saw an office with a name posted 'Mr.Frost'
Maybe this is his office
I went in and saw 2 people talking
One with white hair and the other had a brown hair
They ended the talk when they saw me
I gulped
Oh no
The one with brown hair excused to the one with white hair and sat on the sofa which was inside the office reading the magazine
My attention turned to the one with white hair
"Yes how may i help you?" He said
"Uhh.. im here for the job" i quickly said
He looked at me "Sent by Ms.Linda?" He asked, i nodded
"Well Then what is your name?" He said
"I, I am Elsa White" i said calmly
Then the one with brown hair's eyes widen
She immediately went outside from the office to who knows where
Then we have a small conversation with Mr.Frost or should i saw Jack Frost

Idun(A/N Elsa's real mother)
When that girl with platinum hair and icy blue eyes said that her name was Elsa my eyes widen
She exactly looks like my lost daughter
And they have thesame features
I sighed
Dont get your hoped up Idun
What if it is not her?
I went to the balcony part of the building and look at the busy streets when i saw a glint of black hair
I turned and saw my friend
Emily, she was Jack's foster mom but of coarse he doesnt know
She placed her hand on my shoulder
"Emily, will i ever see my daughter again?" I asked her as i look at her eyes
"I dont know... but the future will only know" she said,i look at her eyes and saw a hint of guiltiness
Wait guiltiness?
i shrugged it off and sighed "Emily, if my husband will look for me tell him im at home resting..." i said going inside the company
While getting my stuff so that i can leave
"Will do Idun" she said and then left
I immediately went out of the company and went home...
Still thinking
Will i ever find my long lost daughter
Elsa Crystal Arendelle?

Ooohh .
Will she ever find her?
Well they already met but they dont know each other
Im sorry
Total words:664

The Real One (Jelsa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang