Appendix/Pronounciatuon Quide

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Hi! You made it to the end of Villainus! And this is at the end for a reason, spoilers are up ahead so don't say I didn't warn you! I hope you enjoyed. To thank you for your support, here is an explanation of things in Villainus, along with how to pronounce the names.

Octavia: (oct-tave-ia) daughter of the Aerian general: Captain Crimson. Marries King Demetrius and becomes the Queen of the Court of Scle. Niece of Queen Freya.
Captain Crimson: aka Lecander (Lee-can-der). Aerian general. Father of Octavia, and Freya's brother.
King Demetrius: (deh-me-tree-us) King of the Court of Scle. Marries Octavia. Moves on to Deimos.
Queen Freya: (fray-ah) Queen of the Court of Aero. Queen Octavia's aunt. Lecander's sister. Wife of King Axar (he doesn't ever show up in this story).
Helsante: (hell-sant-tey) health Shaman. She diagnoses pregnancies, but also heals and improves life.
Shaman: a connection between the Gods and the Tierians. Have powers unimaginable to the Tierians, but their powers are gifted to royals in Regalia.
The Advocate: protestor in Scle. Does not like Demetrius or the way he rules.
Demia: (deh-my-yah) Octavia and Demetrius's daughter and the Sclian heir. Freya takes her as a ward when Octavia is deemed "unfit" for motherhood.

I feel the need to explain their magic a little bit too. You're welcome to skip this if you don't care, but it might help things make more sense. So basically, their eyes are the root of their magic. Remove the eyes and their magic is gone. That's why in the pregnancy, Octavia's irises change design. Her magic is being transferred. Now, this doesn't mean that Demia has the same exact magic as Octavia. Demia will have her very own magic, but the root magic that makes her a Tierian is being passed on.
Vows and enchantments are the main magic used by Tierians, besides their natural life xD Tierians have magic in everything they do, even from the womb. If you read my quick explanation in chapter 12, you understand what I'm saying. Tierians grow and heal a lot faster than humans, but there are still limits to their abilities. Now back to what I was saying before, vows are the basic form of agreement and when used in the format (name and court, I vow to...) they are pretty much unbreakable. Their root magic seals it into them and nothing will stop them from keeping it. This isn't just a promise. Promises are fickle and can be broken.
Enchantments are the other kind of magic I mentioned. Enchantments come in all shapes and sizes: defensive, barrier, offensive, deceiving, creative, protective, etc etc. basically like normal magic, but they just call it enchantments, not spells or anything like that. Doors are also something the Tierians use. There a lot like Faerie doors. They just use their root magic to connect to the main doors found in each of the Courts and a few other places. It's this main door that Demetrius is closing. They call them Tairsdoras, but that doesn't really come up in this story.

Oh and here's Demia ;)

So yeah, that's kind of how magic works in Extier! If you have any questions let me know! I'm happy to answer them :)

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So yeah, that's kind of how magic works in Extier! If you have any questions let me know! I'm happy to answer them :)

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