Chapter 3: The War Council

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Percy had nearly forgotten how chaotic and difficult war council meetings could be as he played with Annabeth's dagger, which he carried with him everywhere, along with her camp necklace.

Clarisse was saying that they didn't have enough weapons for all the demigods who wanted to fight, nor did they have enough soldiers, despite the sudden influx of campers. Will argued that not all the gods were bad and a war was pointless.

"Apollo isn't evil. What about Hestia? Hades? Persephone? You wanna go to war because of a few bad instances?" the blonde boy said, exasperated. Nico put a hand on his boyfriends shoulder.

"We aren't fighting them all, just...the worst of them. Dad will side with who he thinks will benefit him and I'm sure we can convince other gods to fight with us," the son of Hades said softly.

Luke sat silently next to Percy, observing the group, while Malcom, the new head of Athena, began to make a pro and con list of the war, running through the worst case scenarios.

Finally, Percy spoke. "Why are we debating this? Just host a jail break of the Underworld. That's basically how I grabbed Luke. Or we could get Hades on our side, along with the other Underworld gods."

The room was silent, not even Chiron had an answer. After a moment, Nico spoke up.

"I...could talk to him. I need to go see some ghosts in Elysium anyways," Nico said quietly. Chiron nodded.

"Very well. Luke, you must go visit the Oracle soon to gather your prophecy as well. This meeting is adjourned," the centaur said. Dread filled his old eyes as he watched the campers file out. Percy stood and moved toward Chiron. He waited until the room was empty before saying, "Chiron...remember when you told me that as long as heroes needed would live? If we go to war, will you die?"

Chiron swallowed. "My dear boy, I'm not sure. But if so, I shall go down fighting."

Percy nodded and left, the roaring in his head returning as he made his way to the lava wall.

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