The confession

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Raven,Maddie,Cerise,and Cedar all walked back to school. Raven was walking down the hallway to get to her locker when she saw Dexter and Cupid talking.She noticed Cupid blushing. She sighed she walked over to the balcony. When she got there she sat down on the bench and put her head in her hands and cried.Dexter went over to shoot Blondies
's mirror cast. Cedar was walking when Blondie saw her."Hey Cedar do you have any gossip for the mirror cast"  Blondie asked Cedar."yea Raven Queen has a MEGA crush on Dexter Charming "Cedar said live.She gasped and put her hands to her mouth.Dexter dropped the mirror phone on the ground  and ran to find Raven ."That is just not right" Blondie said angry.Dexter looked everywhere then he realized that She would be in the balcony which is her favorite spot in all Ever After. Dexter walked slowly to Raven."Raven are you ok?" Dexter asked."No I saw you with Cupid and I just..." Raven said."I just can't stand to someone I love with somebody else" Raven said slowly."Oh... no I'm not dating Cupid she's just my friend I just ask for help so I can talk to you."Dexter said."Oh.....REALLY!"Raven said."I knew I liked you ever since I ever layer my eyes on you and also I think you're the most beautiful girl in school I might be in love with you Raven Queen. "Dexter  said. "Oh Dexter you're so sweet I thought you were dating Cupid but I always liked you too" Raven said. " you want to see a movie at the movie hex tonight?" Dexter asked.I would love to." Raven replied.The clouds shaped like hearts. Raven and Dexter both blushed. "so see you there my Queen." Dexter said walking away."See you there my King." Raven replied smiling.When Dexter was gone Raven screamed with excitement "I HAVE A DATE WITH DEXTER CHARMING!". Dexter did his dance when he went back To his dorm.

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