Chapter 1 - The Silent Sentinel

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"Y se quedó,

Plantado allí mirando

La tierra en que nacían flores nuevas"

Like the blade of a dagger penetrating a sensitive heart, causing pain and bleeding, Piccolo's indifference toward me felt like a continuous wound. Each time he passed me without even a passing glance, it stung, a silent reminder of the unbridgeable gap between us.

Months passed before I could convince him to teach me the art of meditation. It had taken countless conversations and persistent efforts, but finally, he relented. Reluctantly, he had given in to my requests, though not without a word of caution. "You won't last a week," Piccolo had said with a hint of skepticism in his voice. In fact, several weeks had passed, and I had made no significant progress. Concentration and visualization eluded me, especially with his presence beside me. His mere presence had the power to render me speechless.

I vividly recalled the first time I had laid eyes on him. Gohan had introduced me to this alien warrior with a green complexion and an imposing height. At that moment, I had been utterly fascinated by him. I believed there was goodness hidden beneath his tough exterior, that he just needed someone to break through his stoic façade. But he remained unmoved, a resolute guardian of his solitude.

Piccolo was like a tree, deeply rooted in his need for solitude. He believed that to be at peace, he had to stand alone, much like the ancient tree that embodied his spirit. But I couldn't help but long to break down the walls he had erected around himself. I yearned to become a part of his life.

Maybe it was time for me to make the first move, just as I did when I asked him to be my mentor. I couldn't wait any longer. I reluctantly opened my eyes and lowered my body from the levitated position, placing my hands firmly on the ground. I had been floating in meditation for too long, and exhaustion began to seep in. Beads of sweat dotted my forehead, and I wiped them away with my forearm.

In the background, the roaring waterfall provided a soothing melody. Piccolo, with one eyelid lazily raised, had taken notice of my pause and imminent departure. He let out a disapproving snort.

"How dare you interrupt this moment?!" he chided, his tone brusque.

An icy silence settled between us, with only the thunderous sound of the waterfall breaking it.

"I needed to talk to you," I began, determination in my voice, "but it seems there's never a right time, whether you're meditating or not..."

Piccolo shifted his gaze, averting his eyes slightly. "You know I'm not one for idle chit-chat," he replied curtly.

"Yes, I know," I responded, "but we've been training together for weeks now, and that's given me some insight into your character."

"You're making assumptions," Piccolo countered, though his curiosity was piqued.

"I'm not assuming anything. I know you're an introvert, much like myself."

Piccolo remained silent, somewhat taken aback by my understanding. Was someone finally acknowledging his nature?

"As I was saying," I continued, "we've been training together for weeks, and I was wondering if..."

Piccolo, who had temporarily closed his eyes, snapped one eyelid open in anticipation. "If?"

"...if you'd be interested in spending some time together outside of our daily training sessions," I emphasized the word "outside."

A deep, hearty laugh erupted from Piccolo, nearly drowning out the sound of the waterfall.

"Are you insane?!" he exclaimed. "No, thank you. I have no interest in such things."

"Of course," I sighed, my disappointment palpable. "You're solely focused on fighting, training, and meditating. That's all that matters to you. But you'll never understand the value of those who genuinely care about you...or that there might be room in life for other emotions."

Had I revealed too much? I brought my hands to my mouth, covering it in shock, then turned and ran away in tears, leaving Piccolo alone with his thoughts.

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