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"FUCKING MANWHORE!" I threw my phone on the bed and grabbed my hair in frustration

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"FUCKING MANWHORE!" I threw my phone on the bed and grabbed my hair in frustration. My sister came into my room with the top I've been looking for for ages, making me more annoyed than I already am.

"Heyy sisss, so funny coincidence. I actually found your t-" "GET OUT!" I pointed at towards the door.

"Ok, damn... did someone shit on your breakfast or something?" She put the top on my desk and quickly shut the door. Did I feel bad for yelling at her? Yes, but at that moment I was too enraged by Suas boyfriend to give a fuck.


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you fucker

do you not have any remorse???!

im sorry???

sua went out of her way to give you a second chance to prove how much you love her and you fuck it all up by leaving her to be with areum AGAIN. you rlly want to know how heartbreaking it was to pick her up and see her crying on a park bench?

wait what, is she ok???

"is she ok🤓" no niki, shes not fucking ok and its YOUR fault.

do you have any idea how much sua loves you?? when she first met you, she would never shut up about you. she always came to me with new things you told her while i just sat there and smiled. i was so happy she finally found someone that will give her the love and affection she deserves.

now im just frustrated thinking of how i will tell sua that her "boyfriend" is a cheating asshole without completely breaking her heart.

youre fucking sick and i swear to god niki, if you ever try to approach sua, it better be to apologize for your shit behavior

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