Chapters 11-14

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Chapter 11

"Chris," I start. "I can explain."

"Let's hear it, then." The hurt in his voice is so strong that it's nearly tangible.

"I was about to tell you. Megan pulled me out before I could say anything."

"That's a lie." Chris takes an angry step back, his voice raised slightly. "You left before you could finish speaking. You ran. I don't really care why; I can see for myself." His voice is turning hard. Bitter. I've never seen this side of Chris before, and I don't like it. "But don't try to blame my sister for your running away. She never runs away. It's always you. You avoid Marissa. You hide from everyone. You take insults and abuse to avoid conflicts. All you ever do is run."

Chris is really starting to scare me. He looks almost dangerous. I instinctively take a step away from him. He notices, and his eyes flash.

"Are you scared?" he taunts. I feel like we're back in tenth grade, when I didn't want to go to the haunted house. He taunted me then too. I lied then, and said I wasn't. I'll be honest now.

"Yes, Chris. I am scared. You're scaring me. Is that what you want to hear?" He opens his mouth to reply, but I have just begun. "No, Chris. I can't go out with you this weekend, because I have a boyfriend. I'm sorry, but getting mad won't change anything. Neither will acting like a jerk. I'm really sorry you had to find out like this. I was wrong not to tell you earlier, but you shouldn't have put me on the spot in front of everybody like that."

I don't wait for Chris to answer me. I grab Daniel's hand and lead him back towards our table.

Daniel stops me once we out of Chris's line of sight. "Are you okay?" I nod, speechless. "You were really brave, standing up to him like that. I'm proud to be your boyfriend."

I smile, relieved that Daniel considers himself my boyfriend. I felt like I was taking a risk saying that to Chris. "Thank you," I say. "For everything. But I have a question."

"What?" Daniel's face crinkles in confusion. I love when it does that.

"Help me put this on?" I hold up the charm bracelet, smiling.

Daniel smiles too. "Of course."

By the time we get back to the table, our food has arrived. "There you are," my dad says. "I was getting worried."

"Sorry, Dad." I don't offer an explanation, and Dad doesn't ask for one. Mrs. Cross, however, does. "Where's my son?"

"He's coming," Daniel says. "He told us to tell you he will be here shortly." It's a total lie, which will soon become obvious, but Mrs. Cross looks satisfied, and we all begin to eat.

I watch Daniel as he takes his first bite of the hamburger I ordered for him. "Amazing," he tells me. I know he means it by his lack of speech throughout the meal.

After the waiter clears away our dishes, my mom suggests I open presents before they bring the cake out. True to her word, my mom did make me a cake.

Megan demands I open her gift first. I tear the light pink paper of the rectangular box. Inside is the logo from my favorite shop on a white box. Eagerly, I open the box to reveal an adorable light-pink sweater I fell in love with last time Megan and I went shopping. "I love it, Megs! Thank you!"

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