4- Ambassador of House Elves

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Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Ron were surprised on their first morning of class with a wide-awake Harry Potter rushing them to make it down to breakfast on time. Harry was normally up first after being forced awake to cook for the Dursleys his entire life, but he was always finishing up homework or doing something else, and absolutely never wanted to go to breakfast. "Ergh! Harry…you know, Jamie would let me sleep a little longer and be late to breakfast," Ron grumbled. He was usually the one trying to get food before class. It was just so early though.

Harry paused in pulling Neville out from under his covers at the code word. He thought for a minute and then seemed to decide that he was showing an acceptable level of strangeness. "Ron…you know you're going to grumble all day and be irritable if you don't get your breakfast," Harry warned. "Hermione always says that it's important to eat in the mornings."

"I didn't think you ever listened to her though," Ron muttered as he stumbled out of his bed and towards the bathrooms.

"Who's Jamie?" Dean asked while he seemed to be having a hard time tying his tie, still being half asleep.

Now that Neville was out of his bed, Harry turned to grabbing all his belonging impatiently. "He's just a new friend of ours. We're basically pen pals since he doesn't go here," Harry explained before tying Dean's tie for him to hurry things along faster. "I'm really starting to see why we miss breakfast so many mornings," he muttered when Dean smiled at him thankfully.

"You never cared before," Seamus grabbed his bag and huffed out of the dorm and down the stairs, making sure with his attitude that Harry knew he was still angry and didn't believe his story that Voldemort had returned for a second.

"Well, I'm on a new health kick," Harry explained to an apologetic looking Dean with a shrug at Seamus's actions. It hurt him, but he had much bigger problems than a prat of a roommate. He hadn't realized his habits were so bad before all this until his dormmates thought it was strange for him to make reasonably healthy decisions. Jamie needed taking care of since he couldn't take care of himself though. "I plan to eat three healthy meals a day and get a reasonable amount of sleep every night."

More than a few Gryffindors, and even some faculty members, were impressed and a little surprised when the entire fifth-year boys dorm made it down to breakfast on time and fully dressed for the first time ever. Hermione was even more impressed when Harry put eggs, fruit, and some oatmeal on his plate and seemed determined to eat it all. "Wow, Harry," she smiled as all the other fifth-year boys sleepily grabbed bacon and toast. "Have you actually been listening to my health talks all these years?"

Harry grinned at her as he speared a strawberry. "I always listen, Hermione. I don't always care though."

She threw a bit of egg at him and laughed. "Well, at least you won't be hungry for a fun day of Transfiguration, DADA, and Double Potions." All the fifth-year boys groaned dramatically and turned back to their breakfast.


Transfiguration, as usual for a first day, was just McGonagall going over the syllabus for the term and explaining what they would be covering in their OWL year. Harry didn't even have to use magic, so he breathed a sigh of relief at the reprieve. He was also happy that during classes, no one was especially excited or happy. It was much easier to pretend he was a normal human when he wasn't hungry. Hermione and Ron both had to stop him from playing with his locket a few times since there was a beam of light from the window that just touched his desk, and he could get the locket to shine in the light. Overall, there weren't any major slips though, and he went to his first Defense Against the Dark Arts class hopeful that the day would continue smoothly. Yeah…right…

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