Chapter Two

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"werewolves.'' That's right, Werewolves, mystical beings that change to a beast either on command or forced on a full moon. Dangerous beasts, bloodthirsty, have no humans in them. The people that saved me, Alina, Danta, and Monica are werewolves. The ones that attacked the bus were also werewolves. I stared at Ian with fear in my eyes. I think he sensed it because he moved away from me, trying to let me process what he just said. My body trembled with fear, concern, and something else that I couldn't tell. I stared at him, he didn't look like a bloodthirsty beast, i mean yea he was stubborn and serious but he didn't look dangerous. I took some breaths and I put my legs down and I started to think before I spoke again " the corrupted ones are..?" I started as I looked at him, his eyes seemed to have lightened with happiness before his eyes returned to their dull hardened look and he cleared his throat. "They are the ones that abandoned their humanity, they still can change to a human but they use that to lure other humans in to kill them. " he paused and he sighs "I fear what they want with you since your mother is a pureblooded witch. And from what we have been told by your mother, your father was a pureblooded warlock. Which means you are a mix of two powerful purebloods. So who knows what those...monsters want with you." I watched as he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. I slowly got up and walked towards him. I place a hand on his fist and i examine it "i have a feeling, as long as i'm with you, i'm safe.'' I state as I look up at him. He was staring at me with this unreadable expression in his eyes. I shuddered a bit which seemed to cause him to let out a low growl.

I let go of his hand and cleared my throat, stepping back as I averted my eyes from him, staring at the ground as I chewed on my bottom lip. The door soon slammed open causing me to jolt and Ian to turn around and snarl at the person, it was Gregor, he had a panicked look on his face. "The children...They were taken by the corrupted ones." when i heard that i felt the ground around me shake as rage filled my body "i'm sorry...WHAT!?" I screamed at Gregor who jolted and cowardly away from my gaze. I stepped towards him but I got held back by Ian "Let me go!" I yelled at him as I tried to squirm out of his arms, I was angry, I was livid, filled with rage as I squirmed. He held me close to my chest "i won't, gregor leave. Now." he said sternly to Gregor who bowed his head and closed the door as he left. As soon as Ian felt it was safe, he placed me down and I threw a punch into his chest. He didn't budge, I threw another, I started to hit his chest as tears fell down my face. I soon stopped and I let out a weak whimper of sorrow as I let out sobs, slowly falling to my knees, following me and holding my shoulders. I screamed in sorrow as I grabbed his shirt, placing my forehead on his chest as I cried out. He rubbed my back as I cried out.

After what felt like hours I had stopped crying. I was sitting on my bed with a dull look. Ian was at the door. About to leave but he stopped and turned around to face me "I will get those kids back. I promise." I heard him say. I turned my head to him, my body felt numb. All I did was nod at him. He lets out a sigh, running his hand through his hair before he finally leaves the room. Once I heard him leave I got up from the bed and searched through the wardrobe and dresser for anything that would mask my scent and hide me in the shadows. I found a black cloak and a perfume bottle, and I sniffed it. It smelt of strawberries and roses, I coated the cloak with the perfume before putting it over my shoulders and putting the hood up. It covered my entire body pretty well. I then looked around for any weapon or something. I opened a dresser drawer and in it was a bunch of knives that had different designs to them. I grabbed two of them and placed them on top of the dresser before grabbing a pair of black jeans, gray socks and the only pair of shoes in the room, a pair of black boots. I then slipped into the jeans, socks, and boots and grabbed the two knives and slipped them into the boots. I soon walked to the door and I peaked out of the room, no one, perfect. I slipped out of the room and I started to walk to the front door until I heard soft weeping. I turned my head and I saw Monica crying into her hands as nurses tried to comfort her. My heart shattered at this but I had a mission, save the kids. I slipped out of the house and I looked around. I spotted I was speaking to a big group of people, most likely soldiers. His eyes seemed to be dark with anger and sorrow, so I stepped forward. Big mistake, he spotted me and it seems the perfume worked too well because he seemed to have thought I was one of the corrupted. My eyes widened as he charged at me, so I ran for it. I booked it for the tree line, making it into it before he could grab me but my hood got snagged by a branch, causing it to fall back. I looked back and he stood there with wide eyes as he watched me run. I turned my head away from him and I kept running. I'm sorry but if anyone is going to get those kids back, it will be me. I jumped over fallen trees and ducked under branches as I ran. I kept looking around as I ran. I soon stopped to take some breaths.

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