Charlie x Reader 🚬

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It was getting late and you still felt restless from the new arrival. The hotel you were staying at was extremely beautiful, full of excellent architecture and unique little bits and bobs, which almost made up for the underwhelming rooms you and the crew were staying at. You felt like you were settling in quite nicely but you just couldn't seem to get comfortable in your new room. The mattress felt hard and the sheets smelt stale, like they had been thrown in a backroom for a week. But it would have to make do for the next few days. Still feeling restless, you decided to grab the book you packed with you and stay up reading for a while to help calm your mind. It was getting close to around 12 and you were still wide awake. With a sigh you put your book down and got up to turn off your light when you heard a knock at your door. "Seriously? At this time?" you thought. Rolling your eyes a little you half-assedly open the door and- "Charlie?" you exclaim. He gives a little smile. "What the hell does he want?" you wonder. You raise your eyebrows at him, wondering what the problem is. "Oh-" he blurts out. He clears his throat. "Right, so I was wondering if you have any idea where my cigarettes are?"
"Sorry Charlie," you scoff. "Can't say I do."
"Are you sure?" I've been searching for ages now and I'm getting really fucking desperate. Erin says they're in the blue bag but-" his voice seemed to trail off. He sounded, almost pleading. Was that even possible for such a bad-tempered old man? "And you're sure you've checked everything?" You reconfirm.
"Yes- fuck, I have. I swear!" You could tell he was getting really agitated.
"Hey, woah. Calm down it's just some cigarettes. I'm sure this place probably has some somewhere." You reassure.
"You think?" his eyes seem to light up for a moment. "Fuck yes your smart y/n you know that?"
"Well, what can I say?" you tease. "Whaddya say we head down to the lobby and see what we can find?" You immediately suggest.
"Course," Charlie replies flashing a smile.

You both hurry down the rather appealing staircase and into the lobby. "Okay what the fucks happened?" you blurt out. Rows of tables and chairs had been broken and lay in a helpless heap on the floor. Pictures frames had smashed, carpet had been somehow teared and various papers had been scattered all over the floor. You both exchange worried looks before sheepishly walking to the door beside you. "What the hell do you think happened here?" you shakily whisper.
You both exchange worried glances and, without noticing, your feet found their way moving closer toward him. With a bang, the decrepit double doors swung open and the ominous sound of opera tunes creeped closer down the bloodied hallway. Your skin crawled. In the back of your mind you could sense Charlie cringing uncomfortabley. Holding one arm in front of you, like a human shield, he cautiously stepped into the hallway; vinyl still gracefully booming. His feet whispering against the diamond patterned carpet. A deadly silent hush sweeping over the mysterious hallway as the two of you tiptoed through.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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