Meeting wally!♡

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You woke up at 7AM,got up and made your bed,you picked up wally and put him on your night stand next to your phone.

You go down the hallway to the bathroom and take a shower while brushing your teeth.

You couldn't help but have a feeling of being watched, "it's probably cause I just moved in..." you said outlook to yourself.

You get out of the shower and rap a Towle around your head and body only to see wally standing outside of the bathroom door.

"EEK" you shout ,you run off to your room and shut the door "OK NOT OK" you whisper yelled

You get dressed (how ever you like <3)  and dryed off your hair, you open the door only to see wally not there infront of the bathroom.

You walk into your living room and you see the back of wally head so you pick him up,but he's a tiny bit heavier than normal

"Hey do you mind putting me down please?" A little soft voice says "HOLY SHIT HE CAN TALK" you yelled whe dropping him

"Oww" he says while rubbing his head "Oh sorry!" You say while lending out a hand

Wally takes your hand "sorry Doll didn't mean to scare you, he says with a grin on his face

You blushed at the nickname but Still scared there's a 3 foot man in your apartment.

"Well I have to go get food from the store so you have to stay here ,if you get hungry I think there mite be an apple on the kitchen counter " you say while going to go get your shoes.

"Did you say apple...?"  his eyes some how got bigger in excitement "yea apples?,do you want more while im out?" You said As you put your coat on

"Yes please" he said with a smile on his face "Ok is there anything else you want while I'm out?" You ask "maybe some apple juice but that should be it." He says 

you smile as an you got it and you grab you keys "bye wally I'll be back soon!" "I'll be waiting doll" wally says with a wink you felt a kiss on your cheek but nothing was there?

You blush and then leave
Here's Y/N's list :
Apple juice





Candy (any typ you want!)

juice box's!

I'm very sorry that these are short but it's hard to think of stuff without ideas so I can't post till I have ideas for new chapters! Saying again I am sorry!!!
Word count :435!

♡Wally x fem reader♡Where stories live. Discover now