i'm just trying to get water

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This oneshot is a dream that my gf had about us cuddling (not spoilling the rest) (i will call her shoko until i get her permission to put her name here) (my first name is ana, so i when i put "ana" its me ok) (while i am a female i like to be called "good boy" by my girlfriend)


Narrator's pov:

It was midnight, ana and shoko were cuddling in ana's bedroom, it was a nice and cold night, rain could be heard outside, but lets go to a few hours early.

A few hours early

ana was in her own bedroom, alone, scrolling on her phone when shoko barged in her bedroom, fear in her eyes because of the thunders outside, ana with concern, asked: "what's the matter babe?" she was worried about her girlfriend, shoko whispered in fear: "thunder..." ana, now understanding the situation asked:"do you want to cuddle?", shoko answered in a low, quiet whisper:"mhm..", shoko didn't like thunders one bit and ana knew that, cuddles was the only thing she could come with fast and she knew shoko loved cuddles so they cuddled and ana has a mania of playing with shokos hair so she started gently playing with shokos hair and they ended up sleeping a few minutes later.

Back to present

shoko woke up in the middle of the night thirsty and she wanted to drink water, but while she was trying to get off the bed she noticed that her girlfriend did not let go, in fact, ana started to cuddle her tighter, she was asleep, so she unconsciously asked:" where are you going babe?" In a low and tired whisper, shoko still thirsty but not wanting to wake up her girlfriend, quietly answered:"i will only go get water babe, i am thirsty." ana, now who is a bit wake, who brought water before she fell asleep said:"there is water beside you babe." shoko then looked at her side of the bed and noticed a thermos bottle filled with cold, nice water, shoko surprised that her girlfriend got out of the bed without her noticing and coming back with a thermos bottle, blushed at the sweetness of her girlfriend and said:" you are the best, my love." ana who is more awake than before sat on the bed with shoko on her arms, kissed her girlfriend and said:"i love you babe.", shoko blushed at that phrase and shyly said "i love you too, my good boy", ana was really happy at the compliment  her girlfriend gave her and started kissing shoko non-stop, shoko started to giggle and said: "hey, that tickles."

End of chapter

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