Chapter 1: Journey To Hogwarts

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Somewhere in London

"Jerome? Jerome, dear? Are you paying attention?", asked the mother, Jasmine. "Don't make me slap you again". Her 10 years old son snapped out of his thoughts as his name was spoken. He was flickering his eyelashes a little before he looked up at his mother. His emerald green eyes met hers. The boy didn't answer but Jasmine continued to speak anyway. "Were you not listening? The funeral is about to begin soon. We need to make ourselves seated". Jerome's attention was slipping away from his mother again. His gaze wandered across the chapel and the few guests that were invited. He didn't recognize them, aside from his family. All the guests had their faces covered either by masks made of iron or black veils. Jerome's uncle, Amadeus approached Jerome and Jasmine.

"Greetings", he said.

"Hello, Amadeus", Jasmine replied with a rather cold tone in her voice. "Don't forget, when this is all over, you have a lot of explaining to do".

"I haven't forgotten", assured Amadeus and looks down at Jerome. "The he know...mute?" Jasmine sighed and looked at the dark wooden casket that was displayed in front of her.

"Jerome hasn't spoken a word since you brought us the news of's getting on my nerves. But he can't refuse to talk forever. You should try to talk some sense into that boy", said Jasmine and crossed her arms over her chest. Amadeus looks at Jasmine again.

"I'm sure he heard what you just said", Amadeus pointed out.

"Yes. He is not deaf. He just doesn't care. Slap him if he doesn't listen to you", said Jasmine, as a slight frown formed on her face.

She turned her heels and walked away from the altar. Amadeus shook his head slightly at the thought of Jasmine mentioning slapping Jerome to get his attention. Amadeus then fixed his gaze on Jerome, only to see that the boy was attempting to open the casket lid. In haste, Amadeus grabbed Jerome's wrist and forcefully pulled him away from the casket. Startled by the sudden rough movement, Jerome stared at his uncle with teary eyes.

"Oi, what do you think you are doing!?", snarled Amadeus. "What part of closed-casket-funeral do you not understand!? The lid stays shut, Do you hear me?? Oh, don't start crying now. You must stay strong for your mother and sister. What would your father say if he saw you now with slobber all over your face? Do me a favor, suck up those tears, pull yourself together, and go to your mother and sister. We don't have all day for this blasted funeral. Well? Off you go". Amadeus let go of Jerome. The boy rubbed his sore wrist.

"I'm sorry...", he managed to whimper, as it felt like he was choking while forcing himself to hold back from crying.

"You will be if you don't start behaving", said Amadeus with a stern tone in his voice.

Jerome shot one last glance at the casket and then rushed to his mother and sister. Not wanting to stand next to his mother, Jerome stood beside his twin sister, Auriel. Just like her brother, Auriel had raven hair and striking emerald green eyed. The girl had long straight hair, reaching down to her waist. Her skin was pale and her face looked like that of a porcelain doll. Auriel looked at her brother and smiled slightly.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine", she whispered to him.

After that she grabbed her black veil and pulled it over her face, blending in with the rest of the mourners. The funeral began. Jerome began to lose focus as music was playing in the chapel. Didnt know how much time had passed as he came back to his sense, but the whole chapel had gone silent. He looked around at the guests. Everyone was sitting on the chapel benches, facing the casket. Jerome looked at his sister and gently held her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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