little surprise

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"Your look towards me have changed"

"Eh?" Izuku looked at His side to find katsuki. Shoto, who was originally on the seat, was now seated beside Katsuki. "When did you sit here?"

"Tell me, what changed between us? " Katsuki looked at Izuku in such an intense stare that Izuku gulped. He had never seen kacchan this serious before

"I'm sorry but what are we talking about again?"

Katsuki sucked in a sharp breath, as if he's irritated that Izuku wasn't listening to a word he said. Although Izuku might argue that it's hardly his fault since Katsuki was the one who joined abruptly

"  You don't look at me how you used to. Your eyes still sparkle and stuff like others said to me but something is different. I'm not talking about fear like middle school but " katsuki exhaled a deep breath"Izuku I can't put this in words but your eyes, your eyes look at me different "

Izuku, who had his mouth open this whole time, pointed a finger to answer. But what was the question again "you wanna… know what's different between us now?" He replied sheepishly, unsure

"I'm not saying I'm mad or anything but it /feels/ different, so I wanna know "

" Well if that's what you want to know, I don't think I can answer " how can he answer? He had never even noticed it himself until Katsuki pointed it out. He isn't even sure which kind of feelings katsuki is talking about let alone explain it to katsuki "it's not like I don't want to. I just don't know what to say to you"

"Oh" it seems katsuki was quite unsatisfied with the answer. He turned towards his forgotten lunch, mind visibly elsewhere "Izuku" he suddenly started, so low that he's afraid Todoroki might hear them "did I do anything to upset you? Are you mad at me? I can try to help it of I can or you can tell me to leave you alone "

" Oh no no where's this coming from kacchan" words left izuku's mouth before he could process it and he might appear insensitive " I can assure you I'm not mad at you. But if it's bothering you so much I can think of it? What's different between us now? We can talk at night I guess?"

Izuku tried to do damage control as much as he could. Katsuki wanted to have proper communication. Something that could solve too many misunderstanding between them if they had done it on middle school

They have both learnt from their mistakes and Izuku respects that. But he can't have a proper communication over something he never thought of before

Izuku is willing to do anything to keep the strong friendship between them

"Okay" and Katsuki grabbed his plate and left before Izuku could say anything. He would liked it if kacchan had lunch with him but he was already gone to different table now

Izuku's eyes followed Katsuki before landing on the eyes staring at him. Shoto todoroki - who was now smiling proudly "he cares about you"


Rest of the lessons were blurr to Izuku, mostly because he was too preoccupied with katsuki

Izuku stared at katsuki's nape, mind pondering what he could have meant

What could katsuki mean that Izuku look at him different? Does he stare? Look at him with amusement or irritation?

Katsuki is still the little ray of sunshine for him as he was 10 years ago. Nothing seemed to change then why the different stare?

Izuku wet his lips. He doesn't doubt one bit that Katsuki might be mistaken. It's just something he needs to figure out and he will figure it out

Katsuki glanced at izuku, probably feeling the intense stare of the green eyes. He narrowed his red ones "you're doing it again"

Ah? He is? But he's not thinking of anything particular at this moment? Was he subconsciously thinking of something?


What should he tell kacchan? That he hasn't figured it out yet? He probably should choose his words carefully. Izuku walked towards their dorms. Now that the classes had end, he would like to take a bath. His own sweat was making him feel sluggish

"How the fuck did you get here" Izuku jumped from the sudden outburst. When did kacchan get here?

"Wahchan! You scared me"

"I was freaking waiting for you at the door. How did you walk past me without me noticing!" Katsuki painted, resting his hands on his knees. He must have ran to catch up to Izuku

"Eh? Why? Why were you wanting for me?" Katsuki never does that / no you need something/ almost slipped fast but Izuku somehow didn't want to say it

Katsuki gave him a side eye but didn't actually answer "let's walk back together"

A smile crept on Izuku's lips and he tried hard to surpass it. Katsuki was doing everything he could to save a friendship he's too afraid to lose. They had so many ups and downs in their path together. But it was the same ups and downs that made their friendship /different/, most /valuable/

Katsuki was hurting and it hurts Izuku more knowing he's the reason behind it and yet he couldn't do anything about it

" So ? We walking or what?"

Izuku stared a katsuki, at his red face, puffy lips. At the sweat around his neck, making his white shirt stick to his skin. He wonders if he had been standing for too long

" You're doing it again" katsuki spoke softly, eyes on the ground

Something clicked on Izuku's head, making him go "ahh.." so he suddenly knows why his "look' towards Katsuki had changed. The ' feeling ' that had changed. It's just the reason was so norm for Izuku, something so close to a daily activity that it didn't even register to him that it could be cause of an issue one day

"What ah"

"Kacchan" Izuku narrowed his eyes, no point hiding it from kacchan now

"I masturbate on you "

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