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#bkdk #dkbk where katsuki and Izuku are dating. Katsuki's likes Izuku, sure but he had built reflex against damn Izuku that sometimes he can't help it

Izuku floats up and kisses katsuki on the cheek " morning ka-AHHHHH"

Izuku had watched katsuki go red and then redder and in the split second, katsuki grabbed Izuku by the chin and slammed him on the ground

" Fuck ARE YOU OKAY? I didn't - I didn't mean to -"

" It's okay" Izuku gave him a thumbs up, still on the ground " reflex I know. Baby step baby steps. Good morning though"

Katsuki pulled him off the ground, standing right behind him in case Izuku sways and falls face first on the ground " are you really okay? Kind of hit yeah hard"

" I told you I'm okay " Izuku gave him another thumbs up, back of his head throbbing " nothing I can't take "

Katsuki looked away, pouting slightly. Izuku wonders if the blond was getting mentally ready to say "sorry " but Izuku would rather not have it

" Where's my kiss though "

Katsuki looked at him at once, blushing furiously. He grabbed izuku's hand and pulled him towards the class "come on or we'll be late"

Izuku smiled, bright

Lovers hold hands. In Izuku's book, this is just as good as kissing


In lunch , Katsuki and Izuku were sitting together, at the furthest table. It's not that they wanted privacy - kirishima was having arm wrestling with a 1st year boy and they were making too much ruckus to actually enjoy the meal

Izuku took a spoonful of rice and ample amount of curry on top of it and held it Infront of katsuki

"Say aaaaaa" Izuku held his other hand beneath the Spoon, ready to feed katsuki where katsuki merely gawked at him, as if Izuku was asking the impossible

Katsuki stared at the Spoon a little longer,as if it had deeply offended him. Regardless he slowly approached it and took the spoonful in his mouth

Izuku gave a thousand volt smile and that made katsuki pick up his own chopsticks- rice and a tentacles of a octopus - and hold it In Front of Izuku

Izuku could see Katsuki's hand shaking. The chopstick's journey to Izuku's mouth was so jumpy, Izuku was sure katsuki would drop it any moment now

Izuku, as quickly as possible, reached for katsuki's hand and ate the rice

Izuku chewed on his rice " it's delicious" and watch katsuki go through 11 different emotions until finally he flung his chopsticks across the floor, with such force that they stuttered in two- making few of the screaming arm wrestling student's head turn

Katsuki looked guilty

" I didn't mean to -" he looked at Izuku in alarm but Izuku was too busy enjoying his meal

" What are you talking about?" Izuku refused to acknowledge what just happened, making Katsuki sigh in relief

" I'll get chopsticks"


Izuku was preparing for an evening run. But before the run, he wants to feed the black cat Infront of the giant oak tree

The cries of the cat made Izuku feel horrible for the stray. But a few days earlier, he found out the cat belonged to aizawa sensei and this feline was manipulating Izuku into feeding her. Izuku still continued to feed her but nowadays he feels like he should ask sensei whether to continue or not cause she was getting awfully chunky

The giant and well groomed cat dived into the food with such force as if she's starving for days where Izuku himself also fed her yesterday

Izuku turned around for his evening run when he noticed katsuki standing right behind him

"Eh? How long have you been standing there"

" That's aizawa sensei's cat"

" I know. I feed her daily. I feel like I'm making her fat"

Katsuki didn't answer. Instead he stared at Izuku with a blank expression, hands in his pocket

" So wanna go for a run" Izuku pointed at the street Infront, secretly wishing katsuki would join him

" You're too good for me"

"Eh?" But before Izuku could say anything, katsuki grabbed him by the chin, and oh so suddenly, smashed their lips together

It lasted for a second, when katsuki soft lips were against izuku's. Only for a second their eyes met in a instance lock

It took few seconds for both to fully comprehend what just happened. But when they did, both were on the road- clutching their faces

This was izuku's first kiss. He always thought it would slow and sensual, maybe under the cherry blossoms or something but definitely never thought this would be that abrupt

Izuku groaned on the ground, face red, ears fuming. He feels like his heart was the gonna jump out of the rip cage and do breakdance Infront of them

And by the looks of it, katsuki was no different

It took a long moment before the boys could sit up and look at each other. Katsuki kept his hand firm over his mouth, face equally red

"Shouldn't have done that" katsuki covered his entire face with his hands "way too fast"

" But I liked it" Izuku looked away shyly "it was ok "

" Do you…um…wanna do it again?" Izuku could tell katsuki was doing this for Izuku. But both of their burning face was clear indication that they perhaps shouldn't do this today

"Wanna…wanna go for a run"

" Okay" katsuki got up for a race but Izuku, out of the blue, most likely had a mood swing and kissed katsuki on the cheek before took off running

" WHAT THE FUCK! YOU LITTLE -" katsuki ran after him, to punch him on the face or kiss him- only time could tell

The cat meowed. Her food bowl was empty. Time to go to momo's room

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