Entry Number #4: October 4th, 1996

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|| October 4th, 1996 ||

Just woke up from sleeping with my jacket over me on the grass last night, and it's safe to say that that was the worst night I've had in a very long time. I didn't get too much sleep the night before, and now I've got a banging headache. Tim seems quite the same. He's got some bags under his eyes, and I'm guessing he either didn't get much sleep either, or didn't sleep at all. Brian's up stoking the fire, and Evan's still sleeping at the moment, so I reckon that we'll still be staying here for a while. I'm shivering from both the cold Autumn air, and my shot nerves after what I saw yesterday, so I might be a bit dodgy when writing all of this down.

That red sky's still not gone away, but it seems like that weird red beam of light thingy on the horizon seems to have disappeared. I seriously don't know whether to consider that a good or a bad thing. Considering the sky's still red, I'll take it as a sign that whatever's happened isn't over yet.

I'm gonna stop writing for a little while. I'm gonna go and talk to Brian about what our plan of action is.

Alright, here's the plan:

We're gonna attempt to take a hike through the countryside and reach the city of Knapford. We're not gonna dare try and get to Tidmouth considering what we saw there, and with a slight hope, Knapford will still atleast still be standing in some regard. If not, we're giving up on this place, and we're making our way to the mainland. No point in staying on an island that might be completely overrun.

Evan's up now, and he looks knackered. Even so, he's been chipping away at the pipe he grabbed yesterday on a rock-edge, trying to make it sharper. I'll be honest, he's not having too much luck by any means. He's certainly chipping away at it, but making it sharper? Ehh, I don't know. I'll put the journal down for now, I'll update when we get moving.

Alright, we've grabbed our coats and our "tools". Evan managed to sharpen the pipe somewhat. It's not exactly what he expected, but atleast it looks somewhat like a proper spike on the end at some point. We're a few miles out from Knapford, and we're running on empty stomachs here. First thing I'm doing when I get to where we're going, I'm grabbing as much food as I can.

I am absolutely starving here.

We're coming up on a cottage right now. Looks deserted. The driveway's got tire screeches on it, and it looks like they left in a hurry. Hell, the front door's wide-fuckin-open. Just hope we've got here before anyone else.

Welp, we got some supplies.

We grabbed four bags that we found in a closet, so we've got those slung over our shoulders. We've grabbed some food from the pantry, and we even found an axe for cutting wood in the back garden. We also grabbed a hammer from the shed along with another axe. They're not the best weapons, but they'll be good for now. Evan's still got his pipe, Brian and I have the axes, and Tim's got the hammer.

Anyways, we left a while ago, so now we're getting closer to Knapford. Brian's estimating we'll get there by 6, so we've got another 2 hours ahead of us. I've already ate about 2 chocolate bars already. Really hope this won't take much longer. Tim's looking fucking bladdered, and Brian and Evan, while still standing strong, don't look great either. I wouldn't say I'm doing the best neither. I'm just hoping we find some form of civilisation soon. Lower Tidmouth is long behind us now, so there's no chance we'll be able to head back there before sundown.

I'll update soon, my hand's starting to cramp.

Shit, shit, shit. So much just happened that I'm shaking.

Not long after I finished writing, we came across this guy crouched down, facing the bushes. He looked to be some kind of homeless dude, his clothes were ragged and looked like they hadn't been cleaned in ages. Anyways, he was crouched at the bushes, and seemed to be eating something. I could hear the fucking chewing noises from his mouth, it was awful.

We'd all become really uneasy at this point, and started to try stepping away from him, until there was a sudden twig snap. Don't know who the hell it was, and I really don't care right now.

We all froze in place, and that dude just went as still as a statue. His head suddenly snapped towards us, and... oh god, his face... It was... it was awful.

He had these really wild eyes, bloodshot to hell and back, and had that upside-down crucifix shape marked deep on his forehead, just like the girl we saw back at Tidmouth.

But, uh, that wasn't... the worst part.

He was...


He was chewing on a fucking dead cat.

I don't know how he managed to do it, but he had that thing lodged in his mouth. He didn't say or do anything for a moment, he just stared, unmoving.

He then spat out the cat, and it crashed to the grass on the floor. I'll spare you the gorey details of the poor thing, but it's safe to say there wasn't much left of it. He then let out this ungodly screech and charged at us, hulking over like a gorilla. He probably would've pounced on us if it weren't for Brian, who grabbed tight hold of his axe and swung hard, digging right into that thing's stomach. It screeched in pain, blood spewing from the wound.

Evan then jumped in, whacking the thing in the back with his steel pipe. It fell to the floor, still grunting and writhing. Brian took his axe again and swung down on the thing's neck, and took the head right off. The head of that thing rolled for a moment, before stopping. As it came to a stop, that crucifix shape on it's forehead just... disappeared.

I don't know, emotions are high right now. None of us really said a word about it. Brian just looked really guilty about it and Evan's just been quiet. Tim's been fighting off becoming a wreck.

I'll write sometime later, I just really can't right now.

Alright, one last quick update before I get to sleep. We're just on the outside of Knapford now, specifically just outside of the station and yards. We're by a road bridge and hidden in some foliage. Should provide some cover for now. Evan and Brian are conked out, and Tim's sat by the fire we managed to start.

I just do not feel great right now. I could really use the rest. I'll update tomorrow, I don't feel like writing anymore.

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