Why did you call?

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Monday 06.03.2023.

Dear A.,

I like you. I really do. But liking you is starting to get out of hand. But letting of you is difficult. I don't want to do it. But not hearing your voice for an entire week has been awful. I am getting a feeling that you hate me. But also starting to hope for more, desiring more, desiring to see you, to speak to you in person, to see your smile and your eyes.

I know those are all childish wishes. And because of that, if you don't call by the end of this week I am giving up on you.

Yours sincerely.



Friday  10.03.2023.

Dear A.,

I wanted to give up on you. I still want that.

It hurts me that you don't know how I feel. Would care if you knew?

The miracle is what I need, but all I have is a bunch of bad luck.

But, maybe just a little while longer I will linger on these filings. Just a little while longer I will keep hoping for miracles.

With love.



Wednesday 22.03.2023.

Dear A.,

Well, I guess this is the week I am giving up on you.

You won't call me. I know that you even can't do that. But, I can't keep hoping. I need to move on. I need to get back on my track. I need to keep moving forward.

Maybe in another life we can be together. Maybe in another life you will fall for me too. Maybe in another life we can be in love. But until then, I will heal my broken heart.

With love.



Friday 24.03.2023.

Dear A.,

Today I am saying goodbye to you.

You didn't come to work today, so that means you won't be calling me, and that means I will stop loving you.

Goodbye, my love.



Monday 27.03.2023.

Dear A.,

You came to work today, and you called today, three times. I forgot how beautiful your voice was. I tried to control my smile. I tried controlling my feelings, hoping that you would still notice them, and returned them. But you didn't.

You came, you called, but I gave up already.

I figured that I didn't fall for you, I fell for the possibilities of us. Or should I say more correctly, I fell for my imagination of us.

So, in the end, I was the one who hurt myself.

And, in the end, I will heal by myself.

Goodbye..., again.

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