Reacting to the Reader Bringing Home a Stray Dog

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Named the dog Hewie for this ;)

(Gender ambiguous).

Includes: Salvatore Moreau (Village), Donna Beneviento (Village), Alcina Dimitrescu (Village), and Karl Heisenberg (Village).

Warnings: n/a


Salvatore Moreau:

- Salvatore is so excited when he sees you coming back to the reservoir with Hewie. He loves dogs! He's grinning so hard.

- You want to keep him? Sal wants that too!

- He used to have a beagle when he was a boy. She was his best friend, and he hasn't truly had the companionship of a pet since she died. Lycans just aren't the same.

- Hewie follows Sal just about everywhere, both on land and water.

- You know how most dogs love car rides? Hewie loves boat rides.

- Sal gives him tons of kisses on the crown of his head.

- He likes to sprawl out across both you and Sal's laps. Especially when it's movie night.

- During those nights, Sal likes to explain what you're both watching to him.

- One day, Salvatore comes back from a Lord's meeting and Hewie is waiting for him with a gift. It's a rock. Sal tears up a little and puts it on a shelf.

- It becomes a regular thing for Hewie to present gifts to both of you whenever you return home.

- Yes, Sal does keep all of them.

- (So do you).

- Hewie often hides under Sal's trenchcoat. 

Donna Beneviento:

- You'd be hard pressed to think of a time Donna's seemed more terrified than she does as you bring Hewie to the manor. She looks like Mother Miranda just told her she's going to have to give an impromptu speech to the village and that, no, she can't use Angie.

- "What's wrong?"

- "Donna is afraid of dogs, you stupid idiot!"

- "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know!" You scoop Hewie into your arms and keep your distance.

- You're saying that you can try and find someone else for him to live with, but it's clear you really want to keep him.

- Donna... is willing to give Hewie a chance despite her fear.

- You frown. "Are you sure? I don't want to—"

- "Yes." Just let Donna get used to him first.

- You head back into the village and get Hewie a leash, then Donna sits on the porch and watches you, Angie, and Hewie play for a while.

- Once Donna works up the courage, she lets Hewie approach her while he's still attached to the lead.

- "Make a fist," you tell her.

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