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Maryann and Cybill was at the gym when maryann spotted a girl called
y/n.Maryann who are you looking at,says Cybill.Maryann!Y yes Cybill,what's wrong.Who is that maryann?I don't know but she is pretty.Maryann.Thats a child!I know Cybill I can see that but I'm gonna go talk to Cybill.Hi I'm Maryann Thorpe.Y/n stares in shock my god she is hot says y/n in her head.HHi I'm Y/n y/ln.Can I maybe get your number maryann?Of course you can maryann writes down her number. I'll call you.okay bye y/n she says biting her lip.When y/n saw that she wanted to scream.

At home...
(Calls maryann)Hey mommy...I mean maryann.Hey y/n no you can call me that.Okay so how are you.Good and you. ( Call goes on for 2 hours )okay bye mommy.Forgets to put phone down (oh my god I'm falling for someone who is old enough to be my mom she probably doesn't want me back I'm so stupid. ) Maryann stares at the phone in shock and says hey your still on call love.oh shit did you hear anything?Yes I heard everything

So here's the thing...

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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maryann x reader Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ