Part 1

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I grabbed my book bag and headed out the door. The school day just ended and I was waiting for my friend to walk out. I watch tt while I wait for dis girl.

Suddenly someone bursts through through the school doors and I see Jayla running out the school. "The FUCK" I yell and starts chasing her.

Dis bitch den ran at least two miles, I better have lost some calories too..

I keep chasing Jayla and she eventually comes to a stop. Atp we both breathing like we dying hippos or sum shi. "Fuck was you running fo" I mugged Jayla " you know ion like running shi got me looking like I'm diabetic" Jayla had her hands on her knees and mugged me back .

" you ain't see dem" She said still breathing heavily. "No? wym dem?" I asked. "There was a whole group of dem sped kids following me...thought I was finna lose my life"

I stared at her "I know good and well you ain't ran at least two miles js bc some kids was chasing you" I put my hand on my forehead. "I'm going home" I said.

Dis girl make me sick."Alr" Jayla said "Don't forget to ft me" she added. "Okayyy I willll" I said knowing I was lying. I start walking back home and my legs began to hurt but I keep walking.

Once I made it home I went to my room and got out my clothes for when I take a shower.

Ik this first chapter is rlly short but the next isn't going to short.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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