Chapter one

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   AN EERIE SILENCE ENVELOPED THE AIR, with the faint sound of droplets hitting the cave's sleek floor. The smell of death lingered in the summer air-ever so pungent as it wafted off of the girl who stepped over the dead bodies scattered across the floor. Crimson dripped from her sword at her side, matching the cave's floor and walls stained with the deep red. She didn't look back as she strode out of the cave and into the moon's luminous light. Darkness stretched across the vast sky, with specks of stars that shone brilliantly surrounding the full moon.

    Her expression remained impassive as the abyss herald approached her with a deep bow, careful not to upset his leader who appeared to be on edge.

    "Leave this mess as a warning for those who plan to defy me." She ordered plainly. "Their irksome attempts to target my people and draw out information have tired me."

    The abyss herald nodded. "Yes, princess. I could have taken the burden from you, but you strongly insisted on coming here." Curiosity underlined his tone. "May I ask why?"

    Lumine withdrew a handkerchief from her pocket and brushed it against the blade of her sword. "I'm here for my sibling. Nothing more." Her tone was flat, dismissive.

    "Right." The abyss herald cleared his throat, masking the irritation in his expression at the mention of her troublesome brother. "Would you like me to accompany you?"

    "No, return to headquarters." She scoured the remaining blood on her sword and tossed him the handkerchief. "Make sure no one goes searching for me."

    "Yes, princess." The abyss herald bowed once last time before he conjured the opaque abyss portal.

    Once he and the doorway sealed close, Lumine began her usual journey to Mondstadt. She hadn't felt the need to tell the true reason behind her visit to Teyvat. Eventually, she would visit her twin who had just arrived in Inazuma two days ago. Her eyes and ears scattered across Liyue informed her of this the moment he stepped on the ship.

    However, she had been preoccupied with another pesky matter for months. This certain distraction had caused her to visit Teyvat more frequently-more than she cared to admit. Years ago, she had forced herself to drop the obsession and focus on consequential matters regarding the forthcoming downfall of Teyvat. It was a reminder of the past-one she both despised to the depths of her core and yet felt herself drawn to it like a magnetic pull.

    The unwanted yet familiar mix of emotions was irritating. It clouded her mind and senses, daring not to leave as much as she tried to compel it away. She thought herself weak for returning to feeding such a dangerous addiction, but it tamed it nonetheless.

    Enveloping her raven-coloured cloak around her figure, she pulled the hood over her striking blonde hair and slipped into the town. It was a quiet, tranquil city with the lowest population in Teyvat. The streets were devoid of bustling tourists and boisterous noise. Its peace was hardly disrupted, steering clear of danger, unlike the other regions. It was simply a place shrouded in serenity and stillness.

    Lumine anticipated the day she would change that.

    Not long ago, her attempt at destroying the city had come close to prosper-if not for the interference of her brother. The moment he awoke from his slumber, she was faced with more issues on her plate. Unknowingly, Aether had aided her enemies and erased the work she had spent corrupting the dragon's mind. But, despite her anger, she reminded herself it had simply been an open, yet unreliable opportunity. Others would present themselves in the future.

    Lumine scanned her surroundings carefully before slipping into the dark, narrow alleyway. Her cloak blended with the shadows, helping ease her dread of getting caught. After positioning herself in her usual spot against the wall, she turned her gaze to Angel Share's tavern, settling on her target-a man with a pale shade of blonde hair, striking cobalt blue eyes, and shrouded with mystery and danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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