Shelly's Exam Accident

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"Oh god that laxative's really working its magic!" Shelly thought as she squirmed around in her desk, she was constipated for quite a while so she decided to take some laxatives to help relieve it, she figured she would just go during school.

As she squirmed, she raised her hand,

"Mr Harrison, can I please go to the bathroom?" Shelly asked

"Only if you're done with the test" Mr Harrison said

"Please it's an emergency!" She pleaded as she let out loud, wet, and smelly farts.

"Fine you can go." Mr Harrison said as he wrote her a hall-pass, Shelly quickly ran out of the room, but a hall monitor stopped her and asked to see her hall-pass, as the hall monitor checked her hall-pass, Shelly let out a couple of sharts that slowly got bigger and stained her pink panties, a few minutes after the hall pass she made it to the bathroom, when suddenly she tripped, which made her loose all control as her ass started expelling soft, gooey mush, which left a small trail behind her as she rushed into the stall and plopped her ass on the toilet, after shitting for what felt like 10 minutes, she assessed the damage and her panties were completely ruined and her light blue jean shorts were thoroughly stained a deep brown color.

After that, she went to the nurse and had her parents pick her up, when she was home, she looked at her phone and got a notification, her accident had been recorded and posted online for all to see, she dreaded going to school tomorrow as she knew the humiliation she would face would be unbearable.

Hey guys, if you have any ideas for more oneshots
make sure to comment!

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