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"Hey you never told me about your first kiss being Bill!" Richie yelled as I'm seated next to him on the plane but our mom is on the other side of the plane cause she didn't want to sit near us

"Shhh!" A woman shushed

"Sorry." I said to the woman

"Ok ok ok so you know how we got pulled out the clown room." I whispered to him as I shifted my body to face him

"Yeah it was creepy as hell though." He whispered back

"Would you like peanuts?" Said a flight attendant that was behind my back since I was in an isle seat

"Oh yes I would." Richie said gazing at her

I hit his leg

The flight attendant walked away

"Ow" he exclaimed

"Stop flirting I was getting to the good part." I said

"Okay, okay." He replied getting comfortable

"Well when I was pulled I landed on Bill and we accidentally kissed." I said

He had shocked face then dropped it

"That's all." He said bored

"What did you expect, for me and Bill to have a whole make out session in the Nebolt House." I say to him as I squint my eyes

"Kinda" he said

"Ugh." I groaned as I looked out to the isle

An 1 hour later

I started feeling cold since I was only in dress

Richie must have noticed since gave me his jacket

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Richie must have noticed since gave me his jacket

He was looking away

"Why thank you my dear brother." I laugh

"Yeah yeah I'm great or whatever." He said smiling

There was a silence

"Hey do you think mom will be less abusive towards us since we have some money now." He whispered

I thought about it for a moment. Mom usually was angry at us for being a single mother and not having enough money. Henceforth why most of our clothes are from the thrift store. We rarely had any extra money to spend and were always worried if the lights would go out. She only kept us cause of the money she gets from the government to take care of us. Now with a new fancy house and some money I think she'll just be more abusive.

"No, if anything more. She'll probably burn through it in a month on liquor and cigarettes." I said

He look at the floor

"But hey we still have each other right. I'll protect and have your back 24/7." I said

"I will too if anything more if I'm even capable to." He laughed

We slept the rest of the way.

Scared Pt2Where stories live. Discover now