Pt. 1 - Sell Your Soul

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Warnings: Although there are warning labels, this book still contains mature themes such as exploitation, violence, grief, sexuality, etc. It is MUCH more rooted in reality than in a game.

Please click out now or watch for explicit warnings, enjoy!

Tim's armor.

It was a dazzling white and gold set that reflected its purple show-lights off the plates. Only a legend could don that. Jesse felt an overwhelming urge to snatch the armor for herself, but all she could remember was Slab's warning not to touch anything. That, and Sebastian's. Don't upset the Old Builders. It makes life worse for us.

"Welcome, Jesse," An unfortunately familiar voice caught her off guard.

"Fantastic to have you here! Thanks for accepting my invitation," Hadrian took his place beside her, arms folded behind his back-- a repeating tick she'd noticed.

"Seems appropriate you'd gravitate towards this beauty, what with everyone calling you the new Tim. I've heard the rumors. Everyone loves the humble little adventurer's underdog story, don't they?" His signature, irritating grin appeared.

Jesse narrowed her eyes. "Just tell me. Why am I here? I'm supposed to be training with my friends, I'm not blowing my only shot at going home."

"To further discuss the terms of our little deal, of course," He spoke without taking his eyes off the armor. Not even a moment later, he paced to the glass wall overlooking the Competitor's Village. "You've become quite the inspiration. You give my players hope, just as Tim's legend does-- but you already knew that.. Which is why I think it'd be in both of our interests for you to exit the games.. quietly. Cleanly."

Jesse stared. "What are you talking about?"

Hadrian finally turned back around to her and paced his strangely ominous office. "Legends are easier to control when they aren't seen. Just a fond memory. They're kept untouched and shiny, you see? But you-- you're really here, causing chaos in my  games, aggravating my  gladiators, making a fool of us in front of our  players," His voice gently increased in tone as he grew more heated.

"You made a fool of me and my friends! We were just lost, and you forced us-- me-- into a deal that you just keep bending the terms of!" Jesse snapped back, tensing where she stood.

"Patience is a virtue, slugger. You'd best let me finish," he growled. "That being said.. I think it were best if you'd step down off your high horse and lose the games."

Jesse was stunned. This was the complete opposite of what they'd agreed to. "Why would I do that? You told me I had to win your Atlas! What gives!?"

"Well, Jesse, I didn't think you'd be making this much of a wave in my backyard, to say the least. It's been incredibly annoying to deal with the uproar in the aftermath," He narrowed his eyes and folded his arms. "I'm worried you're giving my competitors the wrong idea, is all. Making them think that this behavior is acceptable- that they'll go home because they're resisting. But the truth is, we decide who wins. Who goes home. And it's no one. Ever."

"And what's your angle here? Are you going to keep tripping me up, hoping I lose and don't humiliate you? I don't give up fights that easily," Jesse battled his glare with her own, challenging him psychologically.

It was quiet for a moment.

Hadrian's proud smirk reappeared after some time. "Oh yes, I've heard all about that. The Atlas can see where you're from, what you do, all of it-- and I found that you were quite famous in your home world. I'm impressed. The Order of the Stone, was it?"

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