7 - Hotdog at Dusk

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As dusk drew nearer, Danny and Mike still weren't sure what to do.

"I won't let you do this," Danny told Mike, "It's not fair. You can't go back to her just to keep my identity secret."

"And I won't let her expose who you are," Mike argued, "What you're doing is important, Danny. Greg City needs Pigeon Boy. And if everyone knows who you are, then you, and everyone you love, will be in danger. Your enemies will never give up."

"But I'm just supposed to give you up?" Danny's eyes welled with tears "I'll still be losing someone I love."

That caused Mike to pause.

"You... love me?" His voice almost trembled.

"How could I not?" Danny replied, "There's no one I've been more drawn to in my life. Even when we first met, I knew we were destined to be together."

"I love you too," Mike confessed, "It's you, Danny. It's always been you, and it will always be you."

They embraced once more, and when they pulled away, both of them had tears in their eyes.

"Clearly, neither of us can let the other go," Danny said, "We can't give in to Tina."

"Don't worry, Danny," Mike said, "We'll figure something out."

When dusk finally arrived, Danny and Mike waited anxiously on the top of the hot dog. They came as their true selves, no M-Wing or Pigeon Boy clothes to be seen. They were going to face Tina as just Danny Gonzalez and Mike Tyson.

"Hello boys," Tina's voice rang out from the door to the stairwell, "Nice to see you came to your senses."

Tina walked towards Mike, her arms open wide, smile sinister.

"Not so fast," Danny stepped in front of Mike, protecting him, "I won't let you take him."

"We had an agreement, Danny," Tina's words were like ice. There was no telling what her next move would be. "You give me Mike, or I'll expose to the world who Pigeon Boy really is. And who knows? I might even throw in a few disparaging accusations as well."

"I won't let you do that, either," Mike said, "I'll go with you, Tina."

Danny turned to face Mike and shook his head desperately.

"Mike, we talked about this..." He was pleading.

"It's okay," Mike responded, laying a hand on Danny's cheek, "Greg City needs Pigeon Boy more than I do."

"Oh my god," Tina groaned, "Can we stop with the CW teen drama crap and just get this over with?" She trained her eyes on Danny, and tilted her head. "So what's it gonna be, huh? I expose who you are and slander your name, or I get Mike. Choose quickly, Pigeon Boy, time's ticking down..."

Danny took a deep breath in, and embraced Mike one last time before turning back to Tina, his eyes full of fire.

"I've made my decision," Danny said, "You won't get either."

He then launched himself towards Tina, but she dodged his attack.

"Fine!" She shouted, "If I can't have Mike, nobody can!"

Danny panicked and ran back towards Mike, but he was too late. Tina made it there before him.

"You've made your choice, Danny," she taunted as she pulled Mike to the edge of the roof, "And so has Mike. He'll never love me again, so now... he dies."

Danny had always been quick. As Pigeon Boy, he had saved countless people.

But he couldn't save the person who mattered most from being pushed off the top of the hotdog, his fate already determined the moment his feet were in the air.

"MIKE!" Danny shouted, "NOOOOOO!!!!"

Tina didn't even look back, she just made her way towards Danny, who's head was now hanging low.

"Let this be a lesson, Pigeon Boy," she spit out, "That's what happens when you cross me. And don't worry, you haven't seen the last of me, yet."

Danny couldn't bring himself to chase after her as she exited the roof from the stairwell. She locked the door behind her, leaving Danny stranded on the roof, the only way to escape being his wings.

Once he was sure Tina was fully gone, Danny slowly lifted his head back up. He walked towards the edge of the roof, where Mike had just been pushed off.

After a few moments, Mike's head came back into view, his unharmed body being lifted by the wings of pigeons. Like a phoenix, but in Pigeon form.

"She bought it?" Mike asked as the pigeons gently placed him back on top of the hotdog.

"Yes," Danny replied, "Thank god." He pulled Mike into him and held him there as the pigeons all flew around them, their grey and green wings swirling into the air.

Danny knew there was nothing more important in the world than stopping Tina. It was the only way he and Mike could be safe.

"What do you say, M-Wing?" Danny said, "You up for defeating Tina, once and for all?"

"Let's do it."

Pigeon Boy (Danny Gonzalez × Mike Tyson)Where stories live. Discover now