The Begining (part 1)

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There were 3 best friends; Marcus, Jack and Megan. Their story had brought them closer. But the story never ended...

They were all 15 as this story starts in a school... Marcus was going to class when he heard a THUD upstairs. 'Hmm... That's strange? No one is suppose to be up there?' Thought Marcus. He went to check it out. He went slowly up the stairs just in case if anything were to jump at him. Luckily, nothing did. He opened the door. SMASH! CRACK! Silence... He was more concerned now. "Hello?" He asked.


Hello! This story is bad. But if you want to have more of this. Then please comment.
Left ya'll on a cliffhanger. WHOOPS!!


The Unknown ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora