chapter 0

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The story begins in a realm far away from Earth, where a society of cyborgs and highly intelligent robots have created their own world, characterized by peace and prosperity they lived and worked together to achieve a common goal of continued progress.

They were a technologically advanced society, they built towering skyscrapers, with advanced transportation systems and had harnessed the power of artificial intelligence.

However, their idyllic existence was disrupted by an outbreak of a deadly disease that began to ravage their society.They were puzzled by the sudden outbreak, and as the death toll rose, they began to investigate the cause of the disease.

This unexpected increase of the sickness was caused by the opening of a portal that allowed poisonous gasses to enter their planet. This portal was connected to Earth's atmosphere and was caused by the depletion of the ozone layer, as well as the pollution of industrial activities of humans on Earth.

The effects of this portal were devastating to their society, and the cyborgs were horrified to learn that humans are the only responsible for all this destruction and damage.

filled with anger and betrayal towards humanity. They thought about finding a way to control and invade the earth....

 They thought about finding a way to control and invade the earth

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