Family Madrigal

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Mirabel bustled about.

Today was Antonio's gift ceremony, and nerves were high.

She wanted her primo to get a gift, but she was being realistic. She knew that he might not and he'd need her even more.

But she would be there for him regardless.

In fact, she even made a surprise for the decorations! She couldn't wait to see Abuela's face when she saw them!

Mirabel hurried to go put them out, when she passed Tia Maria's door.

She hadn't seen Tia Maria all day but yesterday Tia had said that she would be there for the gift ceremony, what kind of favorite Tia would she be if she skipped out (Antonio had told her once that she was her favorite Tia and Mirabel was inclined to agree. Not just because it made Tia Maria happy to hear.) So Mirabel wasn't that worried about her.

Now she was when she heard Abuela yelling.

"This family needs you to be here!"

"I am showing up for the gift ceremony because I know Antonio is nervous. I am doing this for my sobrino. Not for you."

"Maria, you are a Madrigal now, the entire family should matter to you, you can't skip out like your husban..."

"Don't you dare mention him! The only time you bring him up is to badmouth him so you are not allowed to talk about him!"

If Maria was yelling at least that meant she wasn't having a bad day.

There was tense silence for a few seconds before Tia Maria spoke again. "I am only showing up for Antonio;s sake. And I know Mirabel is to."

Abuela must have scoffed or something because Tia Maria's voice hardened.

"You're going to cut me and Mirabel out of any family pictures you take if we try to be a part of them. I know you. You don't want any imperfect family members in your picture perfect night. I'm the childless wife of the one you don't speak about and Mirabel got screwed over by a candle at age five. You'll find a way to make sure we don't stay in those pictures."

Mirabel knew that actually. She had noticed that a few years ago, Mirabel was allowed in candid family pictures, along with Tia Maria, but anything that was supposed to be for a perfect occasion, and Mirabel and Tia Maria were cut out. It was easier in the long run if Mirabel avoided the camera on those events.

Casita shuffled tiles and Mirabel hid, as Abuela left the room, off to make final arrangements.

Mirabel sighed, moving to pick up the box and pretend like she hadn't been eavesdropping...

"I know you're there Mirabel." Tia Maria's voice carried.

Mirabel hesitated for all of a second before the tiles pushed her into the guest room.

"Lo siento...I didn't mean to...I mean...I didn't...."

"It's okay Mira." Maria said. "Your Abuela is a stubborn old woman."


Maria felt bad that Mirabel had heard her arguing with Abuela.

Tonight was going to be hard enough for Mirabel, she didn't need any other stress.

But Mirabel hesitated, not look directly at her, fidgeting with the embroidery on her skirt.

It was so reminiscent of another curly headed Madrigal kid who was trying to sort through emotions but didn't have the weather to help. Who was afraid that she was going to be mad at them for whatever they had to say.

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