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A/N: This is the family tree for Greystripe and his descendants. For more information check out Bluestar's family tree.

1st generation:

Bluestar becomes pregnant with the kits of Thrushpelt and Oakheart around the same time, but this tree will follow the descendants of her kits with Thrushpelt:

Sandypelt: Mottled greyish-brown tom with a white chest and dark blue eyes
Icestorm:  Blue-grey tom with a small white dash on his chest and blue eyes
Wrenleap: Blue and cream she-cat with green eyes

2nd generation:

Sandypelt became mates with Willowpelt, a pale silvery grey she-cat with unusual blue eyes, and had one litter of kits with her:
Greystripe: Long-haired grey tom with a darker stripe down his back, yellow eyes
Flintstorm: Long-haired mottled pale grey tom with white paws and blue eyes

3rd generation:

Greystripe became mates with Silverstream, a beautiful silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes from RiverClan, and had one litter of kits with her:
Stormkit (Later Stormpaw/ Stormfur): Long-haired dark grey tom with amber eyes
Featherkit( Later Featherpaw/Feathertail: Long-haired silver tabby she-cat with sky-blue eyes
Slatekit ( Later Slatepaw/Slate?): Long-haired dark grey she-cat with a few tabby stripes on her back and flanks, sky-blue eyes

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