Welcome to the Earth

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Third Pov's

In the city of Gotham, you won't expect this city to be peaceful. You are wrong, this city is full of criminals, yet this city was under the protection of the Dark Night himself, Batman who protects the city at night, but who is he under the mask? Many questions yet cannot be answered.

That night he was in patron, alone. At the top of the building. That night was so quiet, too quiet, with no sign of crime, no sign of tugs, no sign of the police's radio. After Batman thinks that it might be no sign of crime tonight. Yet he didn't expect something that this night has incredible happen.

He was about to leave when he spotted a meteor in the sky, that was about to crash. At first, he thought that it might be a meteorite but when it passed by above him it was a pod.

He didn't hesitate to follow the pod in the Batmobile. Soon after the pod crashed into the grassy field, leaving a big hole around it, And it soon stop after it hit on the ground.

Soon after Batman arrive at the scene, exited the mobile, and walk slowly to the pod with a Batarang in his hand, soon he was face to face with a black pod with weird markings around it. He didn't hesitate and started to scan searching of something a way to open the pod but much to his dismay, he found none. But his surprise is that he found a life signal inside the pod.

Soon he wipes the pod's glass and found something rather than liquid and a robot body. A Three word's leave to his lips "What are you?". After that, he contacts a friend of his about the pod to bring.......

Batman's Pov

After I call Superman, waiting for his arrival while watching the pods and their brain waves.

"What is your dreaming of, little one" I mumble with a curious look. And start to contact the batwing

" what on earth is that thing" Superman exclaimed as he land beside me.

"It's a pod but something was inside of it," I said with a stern look as the batwing arrived "And we need to take this to the watch tower" I added, and Superman nodded with ease he left it with no problem and start to fly to the watch tower.

Time skip

As we arrived as expected the other league was here with a curious look at what Superman brought.

"Uhh, what is that?" flash question

"It's a pod, something alive inside of it" I explained as I hopped off in the batwing.

"do you think we can open it? Green arrow asks while starting at the pod.

"We can't," I said while walking with Superman beside me with the pod above his head.

"why not?" Wonder Woman asks and walks with us to the lab.

"There is no way to open the pod as if it needs to open by someone else" I answer while Superman looks up at the pod as if he heard something.

"did you hear something, superman?" Black Canary Ask to Superman

"none, all I hear was just humming," Superman said as he put the pod gently on the ground. As the silence takes over the room.

"what are we gonna do with this? do you think this thing is listening to us?" Superman asks as he turns and looks in my direction.

"Will analyze this thing soon... And to answer your question I think it is, the way its brainwave as if they were sleeping and something strong energy inside of it" I explain while scanning the pod and then turning to the pod. "and maybe this will take a year to open the pod " I added and walk to it, and place my hand to it.

Five years later

Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months and months turn into a year, five years past many have happened, Start with the death of Dick's Parents, the Disaster in the watch tower ( luckily the pod was in the lab room and the enemy didn't know about it ) sense the pod was found we don't know how to open the pod and try to discover it, while doing this superman enter the room and spoke.

"It's been a years, how's the progress?" he questioned while walking to the front of the pod.

"Still no progress, martian manhunter try to read its mind but come up with nothing" I replied to him while typing something......

Third Pov

​​​ As Batman explains about the pod, Superman walked to the pod and places his hand on the glass, and starts talking to it.​​​​​

"I don't know what you are... but the looks of it you will be extraordinary that will help to protect the people who cannot protect themselves something that we league job do" Superman stated Batman stopped what he doing as he listen to Superman talk to the pod at the thought of him cut off when the pod humming loudly.

They were surprised that the pod was responding to Superman as he creases the pod, Superman's palms were cut, and the blood of Superman was left in the glass pod, and started to observe, and the next thing they knew is that the pod glow on the inside of it.

After the light died the both of them hear a hissing and the pod was opened, both of them in their fighting stance, and to their surprise, they saw a girl not much like 13 years old or so with long black hair, and surprise, the girl's eyes open slowly and her pupils were like android as if they turn online.

And they noticed the girl was naked and without hesitation superman remove his cape and cover the girl's body the girl stared at him and start talking in a different language that Superman didn't recognize.

"I don't know what you're talking about but welcome to the earth," Superman said with a smile on his face while Batman was amazed.

Author POV
Oh my God who is she and where did she come from?

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