Chapter 3

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The whole way to the Inn was quiet. I've been walking behind them the whole time. There was this very tense and uncomfortable aura surrounding them. I see Links point, but this is a little bit too much. I mean yes protecting the village is important but they are just travelers and since they arrived they haven't done anything wrong! One of them even helped me just a few minutes ago.

I tapped Links shoulder trying to get his attention "Can you calm down a bit? I'm sure they mean no harm." I whispered tired of this tense situation. "We can't trust strangers Y/N. Never heard of the stranger danger?" I just rolled my eyes continuing my walk.

As we neared the Inn I noticed Sky waving at us, probably at Twilight but I waved back anyway. "Alright. Can you guys wait here? I'll gather as many of them and meet you guys here." "Yea, sure. Take your time." Link crossed his arms a small frown visible on his face. I was beginning to get really anxious...Whatever this was, wasn't good. We were just standing there waiting for Twilight to bring the others until I noticed Links shadow. I guess he still hasn't figured out how to become corporeal during the day. I watched him sign what he wanted to say and honestly now I know why Link is grumpy! Shadows prank was successful but it annoyed Link. "I guess drawing on his face and putting spiders in his shoes wasn't a good idea" sign Shadow. I chuckled and crouched down to whisper to Shadow "Now that explains everything. But yes, that wasn't a good idea."

"Y/N! It's so good to see you again!" Wind screamed running with his hands spread ready to hug me. I couldn't help but hug back. He was adorable! He could as well just run around with the other kids fusing kinstones. Now that I think about it he shouldn't be travelling the world and fighting with a sword, its way too dangerous. As he pulled back he must have noticed my troubled expression as his face was turning to a concerned one. "Is...everything okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts "Yes. Yes, everything is fine. Sorry I must have spaced out." I smiled scratching the back of my neck nervously not wanting to trouble the kid with my concerns.

By that time a few of them were here along side with Twilight. "Link can we talk in private? I have a few things to explain." Said Time stepping out to stand in front of Link with a stern expression on his face. "Why not here?" Link looked at Time from head to toe, studying him. Probably trying to see any weak spots if needed. "Look, we are not enemies, you came here to talk and I want just that but not here where everyone can hear. You never know who is listening." Time explained making his way to the doors of the Inn waiting for Link to follow.

Link scoffed but followed Time inside. I didn't even try to follow understanding it was private and not for ears of others but I was worried for Link. What if he was right? I mean he is amazing with a sword but still...he is a dear friend that I care about. I don't know what I would do if something happened to him.

I just sat down picking at the dirt trying not to think about it. That was until someone sat across from me. I didn't really want to look at them, but I did anyway cuz I'm just too curious to see who it was. "Picking at dirt doesn't seem like a lots of fun in my opinion." Said Legend picking a small pebble and throwing it away. I just stood silent looking at him not feeling like talking at the moment. "Why not get to know us instead? Who knows, maybe you'll find a new friend plus Wild is almost done cooking and trust me you don't wanna miss out. His cooking skills are incredible unlike his care for a weapon..." he muttered the last part but I still heard it. He stood up and made a few steps "Come on." he stopped walking and looked at me waving his hand for me to join him and the others. I sighed and stood up making my way to where the others were with him.

They were sitting in small groups talking about what seemed like their adventures trying to kill the time before Wild is done cooking. Now I'm pretty confident in my cooking but this smelled really good!! Legend wasn't lying about Wilds cooking skills!! I'll have to ask him to teach me later!

I didn't really know anyone here so I just sticked around Legend following him to where Hyrule was sitting resting his back against a tree drawing something. "You don't have to follow me, you know? You can talk to anyone here." Legend said sitting down next to Hyrule putting his hands behind his head. "I know...they just seem busy and I would hate to interrupt them." I looked around once more feeling slightly uncomfortable with this many people around.

"I don't mind her being here." Hyrule looked up at me smiling patting the grass next to him signaling for me to sit down. "Fine, just don't be loud and wake me up for lunch." Legend said while getting himself comfortable for his nap. Both me and Hyrule just looked at him with a small smile playing on our lips.

"Y/N, right?" I nodded looking at him "So tell me do you have any hobbies?" he asked going back to his drawing. "Hmm...Well I do draw sometimes but I'm mostly helping people around the village with their tasks. I can also play a song or two on ocarina and sing a few songs." I said looking at the branches of the tree that were covering us from the sharp midday sun. "Helping others doesn't count as a hobby just so you know" smiled Hyrule "but you must show me your drawings some time! Or we could just draw together. You, me and Paint! I'm glad there is more art kids. Haha". "That would be nice. Link is usually too busy to do anything with me these days or I'm busy with tasks. We don't get to hang out as much but that's fine. Being a hero is not an easy job." I smiled back at him. He just looked at me being unsure of what to say next.

"Lunch is ready!!" screamed Wild so everyone could hear him. I watched as some of them eagerly ran to Wild fighting for who is going to be the first to get their dish. I just watched unsure if I should laugh or be scared of getting stepped on. In the end I just chuckled at their childishness shaking my head. "Would you mind helping me grabbing one more plate for Leg?" said Hyrule while brushing some dirt and dry grass from his clothes. "Sure. But what about Time and Link?" I said standing up. "Don't worry, Twilight already informed us and Wild will surely hide something for them." He smiled. "I hope you know I'm putting my trust into you." I laughed walking behind him to wait for our turn to grab the amazingly smelling food.

Once was my turn I got anxious all of a sudden, I always sucked at human interactions but I needed to get use to them and by putting myself in situations like these I was hoping for it to get better. Wild paused for a second before giving me the plate "You're the girl from yesterday. Thanks for helping us out. We would be sleeping in the woods if it wasn't for you. Well I hope you'll enjoy the food!" "I um I'm supposed to take one more for one of your friends..?" I said afraid of his reaction. He could just think I'm trying to get extra food. "Oh. Sure! Just a sec!" he smiled and quickly handed me a second plate. "Wow...Thank you." "No problem but seriously go before it gets cold" "Ah! Sorry!" I said hurrying back to where Hyrule and Legend were.

" is ready. Come on, wake up." Hyrule tried to gently shake Legend to wake him up. At first it looked like he wasn't going to wake up but in the end he did and took his plate from my hand muttering a thanks sleepily.

Once we were done eating, I helped collecting the dishes from everyone and bringing it back where Wild was. "Thank you for the meal. It was incredible! I definitely need a recipe!" I said smiling at him feeling really grateful for the amazing food. "Sure! Maybe if you stay with us I could teach you a thing or two!" he smiled grabbing the dishes and walking to a bucket with water. "Can I help with the dishes?" I asked as I followed behind him. "If you don't mind I would appreciate the help." Wild set the dishes down next to the bucket handing me a cloth "I wash, you dry." "Yes sir!" I did a salute making him laugh.

After we were done we headed back to where everyone was, finding Time and Link had come back from their talk. 


Double update cuz I managed to finish it today. :) 

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