The beginngen

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🔞🔞🆘🆘❌ONCE apon a time a cute oger went to a bar where he met a cute ginger, they had a one night stand and never met again.

A few years later the cute ginger went back to that town to his surprise he met someone he already forgot. The oger named Shrek didn't forget about Ed the ginger because Ed got him pregnant and they have 200 children yogurt tothetzet 😊😊
When Shrek told that to Ed he was in Schock very much and ran away 😫😫

A few days later Shrek heard the doorbell ringing and when he opened the door he couldn't believe his eyes😳😳 Ed was there he was apologizing and wanted to help Shrek raise there children🥰🥰

One year later they all became a small beautiful family and even got Marrued, Shrek is expecting another child and Ed got a raise at his job🤑🤑🤑 unfortunately ed was working as a stripper and a criminal, he was wanted all over the country but Shrek didn't know that🙄🙄 so one day when Ed was running away from the police he he was very anxious while driving his car because he ate at Taco Bell before and needed to find a toilet as soon as possible but he couldn't go home because of Shrek😵‍💫😵‍💫 so he decided to go to a gas station, there he finally could let out his demons, ☣️☣️☣️☣️unfortunately someone put on a lighter in the toilet room and eds toxic gases which were very inflameble set the whole gasstation on fire there was a big explosion 🚭🚭and sadly Ed died😪😪 〽️

Now Shrek is alone again with 6900000 children and no h job living in the streets with a Brocken heart 💀💀💀💔💔he also turned into furry

ShrekxEdsheeran (emotional)Where stories live. Discover now