Chapter 6- A Void

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It's been a few days but I can't look at him the same way. I just ..can't.

If Adrien is Cat Noir does that mean he's in love with me?

Cat Noir is always being flirty with me. Speaking of Cats, he's coming my way

Cat Noir: Hey princess.

He tries to kiss my hand but I move it behind my back.

Cat Noir: Princess? What's up?

He looks at me with his soft emerald eyes and part of me wants to tell him. But the other part of me remembers he's Adrien.

Y/n: Nothin..

He puts one hand on my waist and leans in.

He whispers in my ear.

Cat Noir: How about we have some fun then?

I blush hard but my blood is boiling. Who does he think he is?

Y/n: Cat I-

He pulls me in closer and puts his finger on mouth.

Cat Noir: Hush.

He puts his othe hand on my back gently and I start to get nervous.

Y/n: Cat! Let go of me.

Cat Noir: Come on princess..

He puts his hand on cheek and leans in causing a forced kiss.

I quickly pull away and push him back.


Cat Noir: What's the matter princess?

He looks at me with a smirk on his face and I'm furious.

Cat Noir: You're so cute when you're mad.

I roll my eyes and turn away but feel him holding my shoulders form behind.

Cat Noir: Come on Y/n- we can still have some fun.

He turns me around and leans in for a kiss again.


I slap him hard across the face.

Cat Noir: Princess.. I was only trying to-


Cat Noir: But-

Y/n: NOW.

I can't stand to look at him. Tears fill my eyes and I turn away so he doesn't see me.

He looks at me and I see his sad eyes look at me for a second before jumping out my window.

I sink to the floor and burst into tears. Why was he like to this!? Why couldn't he take no for an answer!?

I sigh and slump onto my bed, burying my face in my pillow.

It's the next day.. and I have to go to school. And see him again.

I arrive at school and walk into class where Adrien is seated next to Nino.

He turns to look at me and is about to talk but I look away.

Adrien: Hey Y/n.

I ignore him and take my seat before Ms Bustier walks in.

Ms Bustier: Now class today you will be put into groups of 3 and you will be assigned a superhero to create a presentation on.

Ms Bustier is assigning everyone a group until there are only a few of us left. I'm not paying much attention cause I'm sketching.

Ms Bustier: And finally we have Y/n, Kim and Adrien.

Great. Now we're in the same group.

Kim walks up to us and we agree to work on the project after school in the library.

Ms Bustier: Class dismissed.

It's finally recess and Chloe is walking up to me. Again.

Chloe: Imagine being so poor you can't even afford a cute bag like mine haha.

Y/n: Clearly you could afford a massive ego.

I roll my eyes at her and turn to walk away but she grabs my shoulder.

Chloe: What am I saying? Your parents probably don't give you any money because they're using it to buy themselves better clothes.

Oh no she didn't.
She can insult me all she likes but she is NOT about to insult my family. I grit my teeth and try to keep calm.

She smiles and pushes me.

Okay that's it.

I clench my first and get ready to punch her but someone holds my fist.

Adrien: Y/N! Calm down- she's not worth it. 

My blood feels like it's boiling.
I push him off me and Chloe runs away.


I push him off me and he looks at me in confusion.

Adrien: Y/n.. what's wrong?

If only he knew.

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