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I started my college education at the University of Alabama. I was studying architectural engineering. I was looking to obtain my bachelor's in 4 years time. I had started over summer break taking courses. Max was still my driver, but I tried not to depend on him as much as he was embarking on reenlisting in military services. He just out of no where told me that he was considering it. I didn't want to hinder what he wanted to do. I was crushed internally, but I cared enough about him to want him to achieve his dreams and aspirations as well. So if letting him go was a form of showing my love, then so be it.

Daddy had purchased me a vehicle, but I declined to take it. I told him to give it to Miles in a couple years, he was entering high school already. He had buckled down and studied harder so he too could complete his high school studies in two years like myself. I was happy he was looking up to me and I had to continue to be a great example for him. He had come into my life as a surprise, but he turned out to be the distraction I needed from self sabotage.

My course load was loaded and I was busy with classes. I enjoyed the challenge though. Instead of taking regular courses, I decided I wanted to take the honors portion of them. Uncle Mike had told me that my college expenses were covered in a college account mom had prepared for me. I asked him where she went and he yelled out ROLL TIDE. I asked what that meant and he told me the University of Alabama. I looked more into it, not receiving any scholarship offers from there as I did not apply there. He told me no need to worry about tuition, room and board or books.

I applied online and got an instant answer. Once, I expedited all the paperwork that was requested, I was cleared to begin my studies over the summer. All of my first semester courses were taken during the summer. Before I knew it one semester was already completed. Only 7 more semesters and I was done, if I kept at this pace. I had a two week break in between summer and fall, so I came home to visit Miles. He was excited to tell me about him joining the football team. He made a lot of friends his freshmen year and was now eager to attend all four years. I told him to enjoy his high school years. He didn't have to put pressure on himself to complete his studies in two years. I did it because I wanted to get out of presidential living arrangements quicker. He told me he understood.

I had phoned Max, but he didn't answer. I figured he was undergoing training for his enlistment. I sent him a message that I was home for a short break and would be at my apartment. During my summer classes he and I spoke less and less. I was beginning to think I jumped into a relationship with him too quickly and this was the repercussions of doing such. I tried not to trouble my heart with it as I was use to being hurt. Machen was no different in the aspect of causing me grief. I sighed as I put away my things I brought back with me. Tate was subbing as my driver and I didn't complain. Daddy sent me a message asking if I would have dinner with he and Eva. I declined.

The quads were seniors this year and I had heard that they were giving Miles a hard time. I secretly had a few people teach them a lesson about messing with my little brother. Once they were out of his way, he was able to begin enjoying being a high schooler. I sat down at my desk in my study and drew some designs for a building I had in my head. I put all of my time and energy into it. Night fall quickly approached and I realized I hadn't eaten or done much since coming home. I pulled away from my study to prepare myself food.

A half hour later I was eating until I got my fill. I washed my dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I headed up to have a shower, when I heard the front door open. I turned to look and saw Machen staring back at me. He looked nervous and I could tell right away that something was wrong.

Machen, what's wrong?

I have been assigned a mission in Afghanistan. I am set to leave in two days. I'll be gone for the next 3 years Chloe.

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