Chapter 1

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Ever heard of superstition. I've had.

I've never believed in anything after coming across a stranger with thick blonde hair and muscular body. The odd part about that stranger was his skin tone. Pale and cold. Like every droplet of snowflakes landed on him, touched his skin with it.

Believe me, I wasn't. Maybe it was fake. The faker that he is. The truth that he might be...a vampire.

He couldn't be. He was lost, scared, feared. I for once...utterly shaking by it. He was normal.

I search my diary in the drawer and took it out including the pen. Blue pen that is. I scribbled the words in it. Writing what I've seen yesterday.

Dear Diary,

You wouldn't believe me if I told you this, but...I'm afraid to tell. Scared that he'll know. Feared that he'll hunt me. But I was...okay. Alive and well.

What should I do? All I know was his face. James...James...THAT'S RIGHT! James Stonehart. The stranger I'm writing about. Could he be a vampire? Is he, diary?

Looking by his bloody clothing stained, his pale skin and his impressive strength. My theory could be right but I might be wrong. What should I do?

Love, Jenna

As always, never a reply. A diary that doesn't call back for any advice or words for safety. Reluctance. That's what it is.

Still, I can't believe I still remember his name. Stonehart. Where have I ever heard of it? Who knows? Maybe it was...celebrity name, I guess? And this last name, was only yesterday I knew.

I pack my things and head out for school with my younger brother. Max. Fourteen years old brat who plays Call of Duty all of his years. Total waste bag.

"MAX! HURRY UP!" I shouted at him. "We're gonna be late for school."

"Fine," he sighed. He pause the game, saved it and pick up his bag. We chase after the bus and entered it in no time.

The bus ride to Crystal High wasn't far or wasn't near to it. Max was the repellent to the school. Always making trouble, detention ten times and skipping classes all year long.

As for me, I was the magnet to the school. I never skip once, never fail, follow the rules and aiming for success. I would you call--an angel. I was also excited to meet Jesse and Vanessa there. My two long besties who's with me side by side.

Jesse and I met when we were in third grade. He accidently forgot his homework and cried after the teacher scolded him. Since I was the only one who care, I made him happy by making funny faces at him. He laughed afterwards and we've been friends ever since.

Vanessa was--eccentric, quirky and wild for my taste of friends. Like any other girls, we met when I was invited to her birthday party. I was the only who she can communicate with. All about her ideas and frantic hobbies of becoming a...vampire.

Why does she need this? Is bad enough I saw one or not? But becoming a vampire looks difficult. The not appetite for any food, keeping away from the sun and the blood thirst. The uncontrollable thirst for blood, just by looking at the neck. Impossible.

"Jenna!" Vanessa cried. Standing by the entrance door with Jesse.

"Hey," I yelped.

"How's your summer?"

"Okay. Like the usual; going camping."

"Please tell me you met a cute boy for once?" she begged.

I wasn't the type that attracts to boys. In fact, I don't really have time for them. They're time wasting and--never mind. I wasn't so sure about myself. I'm...not that attractive. But Vanessa, it was easy for her. She can get a guy in just two minutes.

To respond her, I shook my head no.

She breathed out a long sighed and say, "Seriously? Well, good news is, I have." She blushed and squeal loudly. "He's so hot."

"Wow!" I agreed. "When do I get to meet him?"

"I don't know yet," she said softly. "But he said that he'll come to the BIG NIGHT DANCE. Can you believe that?"

I nodded.

Jesse didn't feel like listening to us. Of course, he's a guy. Not the topic for men. "So Jenna? If you didn't meet a guy this summer, who you'll be going to the dance, then?"

"I don't know? Maybe you?"

He started blushing as I told him that. "Wait, really!?"

"Just kidding, Jesse," I said. The red on his cheeks disappeared and he went back to his old self.

"Oh," he sighed heavily.

I knew about him more than anyone. He's into football and video games. Basically, he's like any other guy. Except, he has a crush on me ever since we met. The way he treats me nice, his face always red and listens to my needy conversation.

Unfortunately, I don't feel the same way about him. To me, he's like my brother--from another parents and different blood.

As I entered the school with full enthusiasm, I had caught my eye on someone I knew before. The blonde boy with his leather jacket. His aura showed dark and eerie effect. No way! Can't it be?

I followed him to where he'd go. The hallways were thinner every time he leads me. Where was he going? This part of the school was empty. No students in sight, no teachers. In fact, where was he?


I turned back and gaze upon him in front of me. His stern face and pale skin. All wrapped in one body. Not to mention, his delicate blue eyes staring to mine.

I try to look down, but now, I change my perspective on his whole body. He wore a grey t-shirt on him and black jeans. All and all, he fit them well than I imagine. Crap! What was I doing? Or, what was I thinking?

"Were you lost?" he said. His tone was like the one I remembered. He wasn't imposter. He was real.

I gulped in the words that I would say. "No, I'm not." Good. Steady, Jenna. "I thought that...maybe you were lost. Are you lost?"

He stared at me a while. Like he was...compelling me. Shooting at me with these staring arrow eyes. "Now that you mention, I am. Would you show me the way?"

Something was wrong. Not him, but me. Was I sick? No. Could it be--NO! This never happen before. To me, that is.

I was...admiring him. Love.


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