Chapter 13

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Might be a long chapter. Kinda sorry


The six of us stood in front of a beat up little shop.

"Are we at the right place?" Natty asked.

"They said go to the closed shop." Garreth answered.

I knocked on the shop door which flung open right away making everyone except Giselle jump a bit.

As the door opened a little house elf stood in the doorway.

"Hello. I'm penny. The mistress told Penny you would be using the shop for the triwizard tournament.

"Hi penny. Would you show us where to go?" I asked kindly.

"Of course, it's just in the back. You just have to open the chest the the tournament's officials will be notified the trail has started. All six of you are to go in at the same time." She stepped back and all of us pulled into the small shop.

As everyone walked in Sebastian touched my hand with his fingers as a secret way of saying hello while everyone was distracted.

Poppy coughed at the dust everywhere and waved her hand in front of her face. "It's very dusty."

"Penny wanted to tidy up but mistress said i shouldn't."

"Ugh the way house elf's talk in third person has always annoyed me." Giselle looked at her nails.

"Don't be a bitch." I flat out said. Tired of her shit already.

We all walked to the giant chest in the back. "This is it." Sebastian called before lifting the lid.

"What the..?" Poppy began to ask.

"A ladder?" Natty asked at the same time.

We all looked down. "Looks like a cellar." I said a loud.

"Garreth, go first." Poppy and Sebastian both said to the confused ginger.

He rolled his eyes and climbed down. Sebastian was next and then poppy, natty and Giselle. I was the last to go down.

"Thank you so much, Penny." She waved but looked really sad as I climbed down.

Sebastian was right there to help me the final steps. His hands on my sides and I stepped off. He gave me a sweet smile before joining back up with the group. As I stepped away from the ladder there was a thud making me turn around.

"Uh guys?" Everyone looked at me to see me looking at a now empty wall with no ladder.

"Well shit." Sebastian murmured.

We all moved forward through all the junk. Poppy spun the few globes in the basement and Garreth almost dropped a pile of boxes on him twice.

At the end of a hallway was a small chest. Natty walked forward and opened it lifting up a small elf size hat.

Just as we began to ask why that was there and why anyone would do all this for a hat the light turned off and the ground disappeared below our feet making everyone scream as we fell.

"Ugh I got stuck with you?" Giselles irritating voice woke me up as I sat up.

I looked around to see we were in a hallway. The walls were yellow wallpaper with brown wood paneling.

There was an evil laugh somewhere in the hall. "Was that you?" I asked Giselle as I began standing up.

"Shut up."

"Looked like miss Moon brought me six new play things!" The new voice echoed.

The lights went out again and when they turned back on we were surrounded, back to back, by wooden mannequins. We both instantly pulled our wands out.

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