Lyraxain information

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Home of the lyaraxains

The home of this species is called saltar it is well hidden in a space pocket although it is close to earth,it can't be seen through a satellite or the naked eye due to its hidden protection.In the planet there are forest but instead of trees its giant bioluminescent mushrooms,towards silverkeep there are crystals that they call zythoric crystals they do almost everything.Without those crystals most electronic things wouldn't function.It's sky is very different from earth's sky in the morning instead of our light blue we see they have teal or rather when it's dawn it's aquamarine. During the afternoon or midday it's blue, at dusk it's navy blue and at night it's royal purple.There are also floating mountains and star oceans.


Lyraxain biology


Lyaraxian's can grow up to 25 ft they are a very colorful species depending on the second parent some lyraxains can have elf ears or human ears,some have tails some don't there is the rare case of them having two tails.each lyraxain tone is different most have a more earthly skintones due to them being born near the sun or during the day rather than the night or midday.if they were born during midday there skin is more darker then the lighter earthly tones but there still eatherly tones,if they are born at night there more likely to have a different color then the earthly tones take zythrid and luna for example zythrid was born during sunset so therefore her skin is a pinkish color while luna was born at night so there for hers is a deep dark blue.   


Lyraxian magic

All lyraxain's have abilities some have a couple while others may have more mainly the gods have more than a few abilities.There magic helps them do more drastic things or simple things but they are mainly used in combat.Some magic is elemental,enhanced,or more grounded.An elemental magic example would be electrical ablittey' enhanced ability would be flying or strength.while a more grounded ability would be bending(yes this is bending is basically from avatar all elements and supplements except for the lighting supplement of fire bending.)


Bonus info(norrix's imprisonment)

Back then era 1 was known to many.During this duration Norrix was powerful and dangerous especially with crya and zatoric,they would cause death,chaos,and description around the universe many of the gods disagreed with there ways so therefore norrix was imprisoned in a realm but to the naked eye that realm was a kite shaped stone it now stands in shimmering point a place to hold all treasures and artifacts.     

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