Chapter 13

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My hand skimmed over different contacts to call. Though I struggled due to my eyes being filled with tears. I desperately searched for someone to call. I needed someone to talk to, but it seemed I was out of luck.

Whilst being upset, I had to also be aware of my surroundings. I was in a new city, and I was struggling to find which streets led me to my hotel. The streets were quiet and dark, adding to the eerie and depressive mood at the moment. I groaned as I turned off my phone. I inhaled the cold night air, which did not help soothe me.

My head snapped as soon as I heard a branch snap behind me. My eye's were met with nothing and I slowly turned my head back. Though this time I increased my pace, afraid what I might be met with if I didn't make it back to the hotel soon. Who knew what monsters lurked in the shadows. As my pace fastened I heard another branch snap. I quickly reached for my bag. 

As I turned around, ready to sprint in my brand new four inch heels, I met a familiar set of eyes, which I dreaded to ever see again. "You shouldn't walk around by yourself at night" His words almost could have fooled her to make it seem as if he cared, though his voice and face deceived him. His voice sounded as if he was biting back a chuckle, and his mouth held a tight lipped smirk, as if he hoped to further antagonise me. I silently cursed myself for not just ordering an uber to the hotel.

I now started to recognise where I was and began to walk faster in hopes of getting rid of him. I continued to ignore him, as his words from earlier replayed in my mind. "I didn't mean what I said earlier." I instantly wished to fly away and escape this nightmare that I was living.

"I meant it as a joke." He continued, whilst I still ignored him. "Look, if you can't take a joke, you need to work on your sensitivity.." His sudden outburst sent shockwaves through my body and I began to see red. He wasn't getting his way, so then he decided to make it all my fault. 

"If we are giving advice now, you need to work on your maturity."

He scoffed and continued the bickering. "How am I immature? your the one walking around the streets at night, defenceless" 

Now it was my turn to scoff. "Since when have you cared about where I am and what I am doing?" He went quiet. "Exactly, you're not here because you care, you're here because if something happened to me, everyone would somehow know it's your fault."

 "Angel just wait." Lando seemed to panic as we reached a busy intersection. His eye's darted from me, to each passing car as they zoomed past. 

"Did he set you up?" I asked as I pressed the pedestrian crossing button. Lando's head titled slightly. "Did Zak set you up to do this?" I asked again. "Could you imagine how fast his heart would stop if his golden driver was caught in some freak accident with his new coworker."

"Don't talk like that Angel" Lando warned as his eyes moved from the traffic to the man who stood very close to me. 

"Is he bothering you sweetheart?" I turned my head and noticed a man dressed in bikers attire looking at me and Lando. "No it's fine thank you" I quietly thanked the man before facing my back in front of Lando. "Come and join me somewhere" The biker whispered, though it still caught Lando's attention. I didn't reply, too exhausted. "Come onnnn" The biker whined like a spoilt toddler. "No thank you"

"She said no mate" Lando added as he walked closer toward me. All of a sudden the biker grabbed my wrist. "I said no!" I pulled my wrist back. I felt back slightly due to the force of the pull. I quickly tried to get off the road, but I was stopped as I felt myself being empaled. I felt my feet lift off the ground for a brief moment. My whole body ached and before I could register what had happened my vision went black.

Lando's pleas for the unconscious girl to wake up met deaf ears. And now she was not the only one wishing that she had just gotten an uber back to the hotel.


This chapter was chaos oh my god. I am super nervous for what comes next. Also please bear with me the chapter is unedited because I wanted to get this out as soon as possible. Forgive me I will edit later :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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